Part 17

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His office? I am sure I will be dead today, he will definitely be angry with me. Ugh, why did he distract me in the first place, its his fault not mine. 😭I dont want to go to his office, he will scold me again but do I have any other option? No. So yeah I went to his office and noticed him working.

Mr.Jeon: Were you mentally present in the meeting? Were you day dreaming or something? *COLD TONE*


He isn't in a great mood, I mean his tone is making me really scared. He suddenly got up and walked towards me, I was scared that I started moving backwards until by back hit the cold wall behind me.

MR.JEON: Why are you stuttering so much, cant you answer properly? (WHISPERING IN Y/N'S EAR)

He came closer to me that there was just a little gap between us, I could explode any minute because of the embarrassment. He suddenly leaned towards my ear and whispered sending shivers down my spine.



I am lucky enough that someone knocked his door which made him back off from me. He is still staring deep into my soul so I lowered my eyes breaking our eye contact. It's Jimin, automatically I started smiling which made Jungkook glare at me. IDK why he did that though. Jimin came in and hugged Jungkook and then me, I hugged him back.

JIMIN: Jungkookah! If you dont mind I am here to take you secretary with me.


I bow to Jungkook after which I packed my things asap and then followed Jimin. We went to my home first, he waited for me to take a shower after which we went to a mice restaurant, had our dinner and then spent some time in a nearby park. We both were siting on swings in a park while enjoying the night sky in the middle of busy city. I am so happy right now, sometimes he makes me feel that even I have someone who cares about me.

Y/N: Jiminshii..


Y/N: Thank you so much for everything.

JIMIN: What do you mean, its me who needs to thank you for enduring all my silly things hehe.

Y/N: *SMILES* I am happy to meet you people. I mean all 7 of you are really sweet, other than F/N, I never had any other person to rely on but now I am happy that you people are there for me.

JIMIN: *HOLDS Y/N'S HAND* I am glad that we are able to be there for you, please stop worrying about him, I am sure even he will like you one day.

Y/N: Who? What are you talking about, there is nothing like that. (STUTTERING)

JIMIN: I know, dont tell me if you dont want to. But I will always supp(*CUT OFF BY Y/N*)

Y/N: Jiminshi, I love him from the bottom of my heart. I really do but he never feels the same for me. I try my best sometimes to not develop more feeling but he acts sweet all of a sudden giving me hopes. I dont know I just love him and I am not able to hold anymore, but I am not too selfish so yeah I guess I will have to endure this and surpass my feelings. I know it wont be easy but this is the only way I can be with him at last as a friend or an employee? *STARTS CRYING*

JIMIN: *HUGS HER* Y/N, he went through a lot you know, I mean E/N, he changed a lot after that. I am sure he likes you back but he needs some more time to figure it out, just hold onto him until then. Okay?

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