Part 14

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I woke up, noticed that I am in Jungkook's house, UGH, I must have troubled him again. I sat up and all the things which happened flashed infront of my eyes making my eyes teary but I decided to be happy for him. I guess he finally got back with her so I should be happy for him. It's not like he will ever love me, I am not too selfish to steal away from someone, I am glad that the person he loves is good in every single aspect so I am really happy for him, I told myself after which I pulled out my phone and noticed it is already 9:00am, OH GOD, he has a meeting at 1pm but I am still here sleeping, he will be mad. I pulled my blanket away from me and rushed out to the living room, I thought Jungkook must have left for work but he was still in the house which I dint expect at all.

Y/N: Mr.Jeon?😲

JUNGKOOK: What? What do you want again *ANNOYED*

Y/N: I am sorry if I troubled you last(*CUT OFF BY JUNGKOOK*)

JUNGKOOK: Your clothes are in the closet, you left them when you were here last time, get ready first, I am hungry.


JUNGKOOK: I asked you to get ready.

I just nodded and went to his spare room to take a shower, why does he order me all the time, its not like I am his girlfriend🙄, yeah I know no need to remind me that I work under him😑, after taking a quick shower, I came out after wearing my clothes. But I dint see Jungkook in the living room, he must be in his room I thought but then I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, it was him, he was in the kitchen preparing food? Is this real or am I dreaming?

JUNGKOOK: Stop staring me like I am scaring you🙄, wait for 2 minutes, I almost completed making breakfast for us.

Y/N: You cooked?(STUTTERING)😳

JUNGKOOK: Should I not cook? You can get lost if you dont want to eat food which I cooked

I never told that I wouldn't, I mumbled to myself which Jungkook heard I guess. After few minutes he arranged food on the dining table, he made french toasts, they were really delicious hehe. I started stuffing so much because I was really hungry, I dint eat anything yesterday except for 1 spoon of rice😑, my mouth was full of food that I suddenly started choking.

JUNGKOOK: Aish this girl cant you not trouble me atleast for few minutes? You can eat slowly, I wont steal your food.

He came near me, patted my head and offered me some water to drink, put another french toast on my plate. Aish, why does he make me crazy, I am trying to stop growing feeling for him but when he does sweet things like this, although he scolds me sometimes but then these sweet gestures make me crazy for him, how can I stop my feelings😑. I was blushing because of the sweet gesture he did just now which dint go unnoticed by him, anyways it was already 10:30am by the time we completed our breakfast so we decided to go to office now.


I woke up little late than usual because I dint feel waking up early, after completing my workout, I noticed that Y/N woke up, I could see that she is feeling a bit uncomfortable, I guess she doesn't remember that I took her to the hospital, even I dint want her to know because she may feel stressed after knowing what happened so I messaged E/N asking her not to tell anything to Y/N about her passing out and going to hospital. I smiled looking at the message which E/N sent, is everything going back to normal? But I dont love her anymore, then why the hell did I return the kiss? UGH, IDK whats wrong with me, I just put my thoughts aside and took a shower. I went to kitchen to prepare some food for us because Doctor asked me to make sure she eats all three meals properly, its not because I care for her or something, UGH OK, I care for her just because she is my employee nothing else. After she came out, we both started eating, as soon as she sat in her chair, she started stuffing her mouth, LOL, she must be hungry. I smiled looking at her (again I smiled not because I like her) until she started choking, 😂she looked damn cute, UGH JUNGKOOK stop thinking about unnecessary things, I told myself, I noticed her being all flustered after I patted her. Why am I smiling at her? Do I perhaps like Y/N? What the hell, its definitely NO, she isn't my type at all, I am still mad at her but one thing is for sure, her last nights confession is giving me mixed feelings even if I am constantly trying to push that out from my head. After eating, we went to the lobby, Y/N was about to sit in driver's seat until I stopped her.

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