chapter 18

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Several years pass and its 2004.
Brad,myself and michael are sitting at a bar enjoying burgers and beers. When Michael gets a mysterious phone call from an unknown number.
"Hello?" Mikey says reluctantly.  Brad and I stopped eating to pay attention.  Turns out its lester telling Michael to gather Brad and I and head to his trailer.  I was annoyed as i was busy eating but when lester calls it means money is to be made . Michael calls the waitress over as brad and I get up and exit the diner. "Oh yeah just leave the bill to me boys.." Michael shakes his head as I salute him and head to my truck. Brad gets in the back,Michael gets in the front. As we pull out of the parking lot brad asks Michael to catch us up to what's happening.  "So....what's the score? " "he didn't say ... just for us to go to him.. " "this better be worth me not finishing my good burger..." I say with irritation ... I'm personally fed up in a way with these gigs...nothing worth while... I already served time for petty theft . Wasn't up for being picked up over a dumb score . If I'm gonna risk the can or certain death I would rather do the biggest score possible .

We get to Lester's trailer. Inside,hes already on the computer figuring out the last detail to whatever hes looking to do.  We walk in uneventfully . "Ah,the gangs all here ,good...." "lester the molester....whatever this is better be worth the 5.00 burger I was enjoying" i say taking in the scenery of  a cluttered trailer.  " "oh the burger i paid for T?? You're welcome by the way .." Michael says with the sarcasm i know and hate" I glare at him as Brad asks lester what's going on? " lester stands up out of his chair and walks over to the wall of shame.."so , remember when I had you drive me to bobcat so I could "deposit money" he says as he gestures air quotes. "Yeah....what about it?" Michael asks naively.  "Well....I guess you guys could guess by now that this is our new score...
" brad ,Michael and I  look at each other then lester with semi excitment.  "About fuckin time lester...."Brad says with full honesty. " ok let's get on with this..lester says with spice.   We got two ways of doing this... we have the option of sneaking in via vents and gas....or we just storm the bank and grab the money . Now,might I add ,any one of these is risky and needs careful consideration. So plan  A you guys  put tear gas in vents, knock everyone out  and very quickly get the money out as the alarm will sound at any second due to vault being imploded.  Plan be is alot more risky as you rush in and risk the probability of being caught . Either way you will need a getaway driver.... brad I trust you know someone  ?" Brad looks at both Michael and myself then proceeds  to make some snark remark regarding Michael and i...  "oh,you cant trust me but you can trust these lovers ." that statement alone made my blood boil.  I could feel my fists tighten up and my veins on my temple pulsate... brad just laughs as he sees my anguish... I was so close to ripping his tounge out ."lover???? LOVER?!? ARE YOU FUCKING INSUIATING MICHAEL AND I ARE GAY" Brad sees the beast come out and backs off ."yo man..... chill. "
"Dont you fucking tell me to chill I say right in his.face. immediately, michael steps in "yo! Knock it the fuck off you idiots! We cant be blowing up... " "hes right... I don't need the attention in my two wanna be idiots do it somewhere else... anyways so what will it be? " Michael looks at the board intently as Brad and I glare at one another.  Brad knows how to make me mad ...he does it just enough to get me rattled . I could give two fucks about him on one hand . But then again hes got his uses. Michael and I, we are close. I was at his wedding,I watched his two children grow up into incredicable kids with more promise then their ex stripper mom and killer dad .

We finally pick B and leave.  Brad goes to his truck and says "its gonna be a bit before I get a driver....alex is out....he was arrested on drug possession. ...but there might be a kid in south yankton that could do it. Just gonna need fat boy L provide funds to get him here.... " "sure that can be arranged.... I'll handle the surveillance...T....." "yes my darling? I say wittingly.  " " find us weapons...."  "ok..... will do.... see you chumps tomorrow at the flea market parking lot.  " Brad gets into his truck and drives off. Michael gets into his minivan ....what a sissy I say as I open my truck door... I drive off...

The next morning ,I was the first to arrive with the weapons and getaway vehicle... I look at my watch and mumble as i pace back and fourth...
Brad is usually late but Michael usually is on time or early.... i in some way feel set up.... i think for a moment something seems "off.." then I see Brad's beat  up truck with a unknown passenger I assume is the "getaway driver " kid looks like he just got out of the soup kitchen. Brad parks opposite of where I'm at . Him and what I'm guessing is the south yankton guy. I sorta liked the last guy. I dont care to know his name but he was pretty good....  brad approaches my truck . He puts his hand on my door.... " where  the fuck is Michael???? " he says as he plops  red in his filthy mouth... "anyone's guess..... need a light I say as I pull a lighter out of the cup holder. Brad takes it,lights the stick and then take a inhale as he offers me a cigarette.  I decline as I'm trying not to smoke...  brad just chuckles and then introduces me to the kid. This is David, 28 from liberty city.... hes a drifter who landed in south yankton 10 years back.... hes gonna be vital as fuck for this job.... I just roll my eyes as I am now face to  face with the kid.... apparently my proximity of him was making him uneasy he had greasy black neck length hair. Messy beard and a pebweiser shirt. Dirty jeans.  My kinda friend.  . He sticks his hand to shake mine I just walk past him looking for any site of slow ass mikey... like I said this wasn't like him... he's usually here before me.... something felt off about it. Even brad found it odd and suspicious.... "this dude really is fuckin us over.....he better not be a spy or snitch... i thought the same thing but i always stand up for the dude. " hes no snitch....probably just busy with amanda and the kids.... maybe Jimmy has a base ball game. .. " in the middle of december? " the new kid pipes up. "Can it dont know shit about him!" "Sush you wusses...I guess you're right T..." he says in agreement. 
After a hour Michael pulls up. He does seem a bit odd for a family man.... normally,  anything that has to do with the kids is addressed later... Michael gets out and immediately brad and I look at him then each other and back to him. We both feel uneasy but we have to go on with the task.... we go into the recently closed for the winter barn... we discuss the plan alittle more and decide we are ready to move.with it.

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