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The minute I walked into that hospital, into the maternity ward and next the hospital room where michael is alongside his wife cradling a pink and blue striped blanket and a pink knitted hat . The sound of an infant cooing made my heart drop. I stand in the doorway bewildered on what to do next. Amanda hands the baby to michael,he walks over to me and I put my hands out and take the infant and cradle her.. I am in aww,i can feel tears come down looking at her sweet smile and blotchy skin . She had little swirls of strawberry blonde hair and dark colored eyes infants are born with that change color once they grow  . "What do you think T? " I struggle with words to say. I was in amazement of this tiny human.  I never thought in the last 26 years of my life that I would encounter this moment. Though,I didn't personally shoot my load in Amanda. She's not my sperm cell. I still feel as if I am her protector.  Mikey is tough in his own way . But I dont think he has what it takes to be her"protecter" . Mikey stands beside me placing his left hand on my back and right hand on my arm as he peaks at his new child."she's beautiful huh? " I look at him fighting any emotion as it makes me feel weak. Yeah she sure is....please tell me she doesn't have some dumb name like Jessica or jennifer...  "her name is tracey ann....after my mom..." I hear amanda speak up from her hospital bed. I turn to her with a half smile and walk to her. She sits up looking nervous... "Tracey??? That's a.......ok... it's a fine name..." we talk for a bit when a nurse comes in with her raspey voice and says visiting time is over . "Well mikey....I guess I gotta get going.... I give him a manly hug then go to hug amanda but she refuses to hug me . I just shrug and go to the sleeping baby. I gently run my finger up and down her little face and then go on my way

Michael,brad and I end up getting locked up after the faulty check scheme was blown . Michael was released on bail,brad was released because not enough evidence could be pinned on him. I was in the can for a few months.  I find it bullshit I got the worst of it... however I couldn't live without my crew....and of course lester. One night the gang and I decided to get some break fast and sit and talk abit B:this diner sucks..*sips coffee * yuck......
I dump syrup all over my flapjacks
"Fake syrup eh? I say to the clueless old but sexy waitress pouring more jo into Michael's and Brad's mugs. She looks at me in confusion and annoyance "fake?" She replies in annoyance . "Yeag sugartits fake... where's the table syrup???? . " michael Chimes in "you mean canadian style mr Canadian. " I glared at him as I do not like to be called Canadian... I lived my whole life being picked on for being canadian.... I then look at the now confused waitress holding a pot of coffee.  "Dont worry about it sweetheart.... I would like more oj I say sliding my empty cup to her. She takes it and then brad just snickers at me... I turn to him angry "you're laughing why??? " his smile turns to a frown . Both michael and brad know when to knock the shit off. They know when I'm pushed too far .... Michael Chimes in to lighten the mood by saying . Amanda is pregnant  again. Both brad and I ask at the same time "again???" We look at each other.  "Damn amanda just popped one out and now she's pregnant??? Damn mikey you really cant stay off her... " Michael shakes his head giggling.... "you're right T... cant help it she's so freaking  attractive.... " yeah she is alright.... I'm more into the older chicks myself.... brad just shakes his head and giggles.... "I'm more of a tit guy and one that goes after the barley legal type.... "what you some pedophile I say half jokingly and lowkey serious.  " oh relax T...... " we finish breakfast and head out .

We then head to Lester's.  He called michael before he left the house.... "lester needs us at his apartment ,he said he's got another job lined up. I half wittingly say "lester the molester has another job....what is it this time? Steal some jocks jog strap for him to sniff?? "Michael laughs and shakes his head ..."T....seriously??? No... well I dont know... guess we will find out huh? " "guess we will ... we get into Brad's van and head to ludendorff trailer park where both mikey and lester live separate places of course. We head to the green heavily gated trailer with barbwhire.... this dude is extra paranoid.... he's even got a camera at the front  and a beware of dog sign posted.... we knock on the door lester opens it halfway and asks us to hurry into the trailer so "no one sees........ "

Lester tells us to sit around the table to discuss his next job proposal ...honestly every week is the same old shit.  Robbing gasstations,drugstores ,taking people out ,burglary  and car thefts...I'm getting rather bored... "lester the molester..." "that's not my name trevor..... but what?" "So....what will it be today? " "yes and no.... yes to new opportunities  but with that comes the old habits." " what do you mean.... new?" Micharl asks with speculation.. " lester sits up in his chair and puts his hands together on the table. " theres a brink truck operation going down this tuesday to transfer quite substantial Bill's... and yes the risk is higher but in the long run  it's going to be worth it because it connects to the biggest job I think we ever did.  All three sit up. "When will this go down? " first  we need a fast  getaway car and sticky bombs guns and a getaway driver.  You three will be responsible for the truck and whomever will be driving will have one of you be in the car shooting.  The driver has yet to be determined.  I have a few interests but feel free to find more eligible sources along the way of preperation..  brad.. that might be a thing you can work on while michael and trevor get the weapons and car. Anyways.  You three need to leave and dont contact me . Either come here or wait for me to contact you. But only if you did what I asked you to do got it? We hesitantly agreed.  I was more intrigued but alittle suspicious of this. Given ,lester has gotten us in trouble in the past. It's the 90s ,things are more ....modern. 85 was alot more easy to get away with whatever than it is today. Nowadays with steve jobs making those.stupid Macintosh computers and scannimg system replacing the hand print it's more of a risk committing a crime! If I kill more people now it's more likely I will he caught given how much has changed.  I hate it....

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