chapter 21

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Year 2010. I began to let loose since ron and i's first meeting. He became a partner to a business I've been building since I first came to sandy shores. This was ambition if you will since the days with michael and brad. This was of course before everything went down that cold day.... I also acquired a 2nd hand. Some dude who runs a run down beer store I frequent.  Initially, I paid bo mind to him as I wasnt really trying to be acquainted with any outsiders. I still have little to no trust with anyone..... but what's great about this guy who's name is chef ,is he has a killer meth lab. Now, I enjoy speed as much as the next guy,but I've never really had a interest on selling it. My jobs were to rob anyone and anything. Sure, I sold weed here and there as a young adult,but nothing else. A few months passed and now chef,ron and I are partners. Something I swore on Michaels grave i would not do. I was considering retiring and just freelancing shit as it comes my way. I also wanted to wait till brad gets out of the pen . 

However ,shit changes .... Michael dying was the switch to relizing ,I need to do shit different. Instead of running with a crowd I need to lead my own pack. If ron and chef work out how I want ,then the whole brad and Michael thing will be in the dust.

A couple years pass and its now 2013. Not much has really changed . I met some insane clown posse wannabe kid. Dont get me wrong, he has his uses but the kids a moron . I met him while walking back from the old marina after a blurry night from huffing gas . I dont remember how the convo went as I was so dazed and confused. All I remember is the kid in my bed from what I assume was a hell of a night. From there, we became "friends." Like I said, I'm not overly keen on the whole friend thing,since Michaels death and brad being put in a federal prison.  I prefer business partner.  To be honest,  brad and Michael were just business partners.....well, brad mainly. Michael and I got close. I sorta became his kids uncle or godfather or what the fuck ever you wanna call it....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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