chapter 15

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The nex morning,I was awoken by a crying tracy laying on the chair as her mom is puking in the bathroom thanks to the second baby in her uterus while michael fixes a bottle . I go to tracy and pick her up to console her and it works for the most part but what she really wanted was that bottle ... Micheal takes her and sits on the couch to feed her . He was somewhat taken back but didn't seem shocked to see me make Tracey calm down. "Trevor if I woulda known any better you would.... well.... " he stops mid sentence ... " will what?.... I open the fridge and grab a beer and sit  on the couch . "Its stupid...." "no mikey curious minds wanna know..." forget it T.... just something amanda and I pondered.... " mikey..... you're making me very upset.... what!!! " we think you have some kinda gift... any time you hold tracey she's instantly more happy... or you dont miss a beat to make sure her needs are met say amanda and I are busy... and you gotta be're in no way a people person. " "...... well....tracy isn't a grown up who has the ability to piss me off yet... she's defenseless and well...innocent  and ignorant of the world ... how could anyone get mad?"
Well....I'll always love her and am thankful I have her but let me tell you.... the first few months of her being alive we both were way too ignorant on what to do... there are times we become so frustrated we really have to take breaks or we will burn out.... " how hard is it to take care of her when all she does is poop cry and eat ... yeah sure now she sits up  smiles coos talks in baby language but she for the most part is calm and manageable... " mikey shook his head and grinned.  Amanda rises from puking and goes into the fridge and gets some milk out ... " morning honey.... guess the morning sickness is a bit too much for you to handle...
She just glares at him with discontent.. "your second child doesn't seem to like eggs or anything meat related this early.... just barfed scrambled eggs with left over bacon from yesterday...this morning sickness is worse with this pregnancy vs tracy ... " "babe, it comes with the Joy's of creating a beautiful life.... maybe look in your what to expect when you're expecting book your aunt bought when we found out about tracy .. " oh you mean the book trevor took and burned by "accident? "

" all the attention goes on me ."really trevor? That book was expensive....." "relax guys dont need no book no guys are pretty ok with your parenting.  Kids still alive isn't she?" Mikey shakes his head as Amanda crosses her arms . "Dont give me that look..... I'll buy you another one....just point me to a bookshop. Amanda goes into the bedroom in a huff. "So much for going to the diner..
" I say leaning on the island.  " we can still go. Just minus amanda. We will take tracey" he says putting her into her carseat.  He points at the diaper bag and tells me to grab it as he goes  and let's amanda know . Then he grabs the carseat and heads out the door. "Taking the van. " *whistles at the shiny new van.  *mikey you've outdone yourself eh? Guess the last job was payout for you! "Haha  yeah, saved up. It's a 1992 dodge caravan. Got it brand new off the truck. " " I was a bit skeptical because brad and I didn't get nearly enough to afford a brand new van but I brush it off as mikey is mikey.. "so I guess the firebird didn't cut it eh? " mikey began to get weirded out by my questions.  "Arent you nosy huh?" "No,just abit amazed how you can afford a brand spanking new van if we only got 6000 each last gig... " " you are aware before amanda got knocked up she did nights at the strip club and saved up? " " I guess all is possible I say as we approach the diner. " mikey pulls in,parks and then we get out . He grabs baby Traceys carseat and head to the entrance of the diner.

Theres a vagrant standing by the entrance smoking. He makes my mouth water.. I may have a taste of transients.. mikey and brad don't  know I am a cannibal.. its something I dont feel I need to broadcast.. we enter where a tired looking waitress is standing.  "Two? And a booster seat? " "yes please " michael says holding the carseat. " she guides us to a booth and then grabs a high chair for baby tracy . She's 7 months old and sits up . "Can I get your drink orders gentlemen. "Coffee" mikey says pulling out a toy for tracy ." Got any scotch?? " mikey shakes his head "T....first off this is a diner ,second its 10 am! " "what??? Some places have happy hour all day long.... " "ok then, orange juice... I don't drink coffee.... " waitress writes down the orders and asks if the baby needs a drink . "Shes good with her bottle. He shakes the bottle . She walks away to fetch coffee and my orange juice. "So..... what do you think  lester has planned?? Must be big if he won't tell us flat out eh? "I have no clue...all I know is it's new for us....something we never done .. " the lady comes back with the drinks and then asks what we will be having.. "I'll take sunny side up eggs with a side of bacon please he says closing his menu handing it to her ." And you? " " I'll take the 3 stack of pancakes, with table syrup and sausage... " she writes the order down and then takes the menu and walks to the kitchen. " so.....  if it's what I am thinking about it's pretty big ..." "it sounds about right... " mikey says putting a insane amount sugar into his coffee along with a pinch of creamer.. "jesus mikey....whatcha trying to do? Give yourself a blood sugar spike? " " gotta have my caffeine.. look after breakfast I was told by lester to have you dropped off at ammunation ... I got the getaway car figured out..." "oh? Is that so?" I say playing with a empty creamer . " " yeah, theres a Corvette being stored not too far from here... I'm gonna have you take the baby home and then take me to the site and we will get the car... and head to ammunation ... breakfast comes. We eat and then head out the door

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