chapter 16

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We are at Lester's now... I fetched the weapons needed and mikey got the getaway car.... brad comes alittle late as he found a getaway drive via busstation...  apparently, this dudes from liberty city looking for a fresh new start and some work. He's gotta be around mikey,brad and my age... seems trustworthy based on his mannerisms.  He claims hes been in this business for a long time and knows what hes doing... that is to be determined by myself and Michael...
"Okay.... we are ready and just in time..... the brinks truck is making its rounds.... at the strip mall up the street theres a grocery store,department store, a few odd and ends stores. Our job is to make sure they have done their rounds and then follow the said truck to the mint. From there we rob them. Sounds simple enough michael chirps.  "Yeah,better be worth me looking for a driver ..." " settle down there killer...." I say to brad mockingly " Brad flops me the bird lester interrupts telling us to head to the shopping center and steak out the area... we get to said shopping center. We park so non conspicuously to prevent any suspicion.  The getaway  driver tries to make small talk but the only one whose feeding off to that would be mikey. Brad and I just sit and wait. After what felt like hours,but only was ten minutes....the brinx truck was finished their rounds at this god forsaken shopping center...
We surveyed the truck seeing if this is the best time to ambush . I personally rather just storm in. Mikey cries that maybe we should wait till they move to another location "why??? This is the perfect time ! "  brad says in annoyance "it's now or never mikey.." I chime in.  Mikey just threw his hands up in defeat. "Fine....let's do this. " he says as he pumps  his shot  gun . Brad and I do the same. "Kid, stay in here....unless we say otherwise . Mikey orders the somewhat dumbfounded 22 year old. Only doing this job because brad offered a hefty incentive if he does the job right.  All three of us head to the armored truck loaded. As we are heading to them michael stopped in his tracks and freaked out . "Shit shit shit! Lester said follow them...." brad and I look at each other briefly and then scowl at Michael... "yeah well fuck following them.... theres leas security here . "I say as I continue to head to the truck. Brad follows suit with Michael dragging along. One of the guards seen all three of us approaching them and sounded the alarm to the driver and passenger that they are about to be robbed .

Then gunfire erupts . Bullets are flying everywhere.  I take refuge between some cars as mikey and brad do the same in different spots. Pedestrians are running frantically from the gunfire.  After what seemed like forever ,i manage to break away shooting all four guards in the face and taking control of the truck. I scream to brad and mikey to get into the back as I signal roger to follow us . By that point police have been notified so shits about to hit the fan. "If we had followed Lester's orders to follow at mint it would be a shit ton easier ! " "yeah and risk getting killed faster or caught! Fuck that..... atleast right now we are good and have a chance to escape!" "Would you two shut the fuck up and shoot?! " I am driving and the two imbisils are shooting . Apparently at some point roger got hit because brad screamed shit we lost the kid! "Just keep shooting ,fuck that kid! I scream out. Shits getting heavy ,I cannot seem to lose these pricks...even worse Michael and brad are running low on ammo.
After what felt like days we lost them..
We then place two sticky bombs on the doors and take the loot.. as we are walking to the street cops ambush me. I signal the two to run ! "Get on your fuckin knees the officer says holding his shotgun uncomfortably close to my head . I follow the orders as I am not willing to die just yet.

After a month in the can I was released. The idiot cop never read my miranda rights to me and in turns my case was overturned.  I am a free man! Mikey and brad welcomed me back when they picked me up from jail.  "How ya feeling there sparkey? Brad says as he chuckles " I glare at him as I dont see this situation one bit funny..... "why are you laughing??? I dont see anything funny about me getting caught ! "Brad stopped laughing and then patted my back saying relax T ..... were glad you're out.... Michael takes me to the motel I've been calling home the last few years only to be told I was no longer welcomed..I freaked out on the clerk and damn nearly killed the bastard.... now not only did I waste a month of my life in the can,but now I'm not allowed back to ths place I've been calling home the last 7 years.... I scream  as I exit the motel .... great,I'm homeless.... I head to the local shelter as its below freezing...No way was I going to allow myself to freeze to death.... I got accepted in and as soon as I could I phoned Michael.

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