chapter 17

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I called michael as soon as I got to a payphone... "he hello? " Michael answers half asleep. "Sugar tits ,its T.... I'm calling at a warming station..." "huh? Why what happened with the motel you been at for all those years?" " yeah well....I dont feel like killing anyone right now so I left.... they kicked my ass out months ago... being in the can obviously prevented me from making payment and well you know the rest....the real.reason I'm calling is I need a place to go for 12 hours before I can come back and sleep ...I really have no idea what im gonna do when spring rolls in... " well....lester needs us tomorrow for some work ..that's gonna take half the day..but I'm gonna be late.  Amanda has a sonogram appointment and this is when we find out about the gender"
I roll my eyes and then make some cocky joke before mikey sarcastically laughs and says he gotta catch some zzz's I then get hollard at  a worker telling me to get off the phone and head to the bunks...I've been here before. This wasn't what i had in mind.

Months later work picks up again. I managed to make enough to get a small shack not too far from  ludendorff.  Brad's been busy getting laid,conning people into doing his dirty work.  Just typical brad shit. Michael is busy being a family man. He welcomed a baby boy who they named James. Now,they have two kids under 2 . I honestly dont know how to feel . I want that family life . I always have.  But then I remember I do just fine on my own... sure ,I supposedly have a little girl not too much older than tracy.. I think her names trixy or some bullshit like that. Honestly she's a child I dont care to get to know as I'm not gonna destroy some childs life by my inconsistency . I've gotten pictures of her, she was born augest 8th 1991. She has my hairline thin and wilting. Shea got her moms eyes smile and hair color . Her cute pig nose I've fell in love with. I wanted something with her mom but never made the move .

Fastfoward to 1997 .its been a rollercoaster some odd jobs later and late nights overthinking and just displeasure.  I ended up going on a vacation up north to visit my mom. She ended up locked up for killing an ex she had not too long back because he threatened to leave.  My mom wasn't gonna let him. He was rich and she is a gold digger. Never cared for the guy so his death really didn't mean anything to me. Michael came with the kids and Amanda over for dinner.  Amanda never really liked me. Tracey adores me as uncle T . It just makes the whole wanting kids thing harder.... I've fucked alot of woman since my daughters mom. God only knows how many spawns I have walking around...maybe 40? I hope not.... I've been spreading my genome like it was Halloween candy.  Mikey,Brad and I have done a few odd and end jobs mainly on our own. We dont speak to lester as often anymore as he stepped off the petty shit. So we had to make our own work .


3years pass by and more work comes along. We kinda work for lester now but not as much as we did. Michael and i spent alot of time together. Hes my brother basically, Brad's a bonus. The whole family idea kinda came and gone. I'm fine being single and alone. Michael and brad keep me pretty busy and on my toes. We've done every robbery,petty crime we could. Things are getting old. Like we constantly do things in repeat. Like I'm feeling a repetitive pattern. If we arent stocking up some pharmacy,we steal cars. Or scam innocent people. Well I don't really give a fuck about whether they are innocent. Money is money .I baby sit alot. Tracey is approaching her preteen years. This kid isn't the sweet adorable little girl. Shes a bit sassy and not really tolerable.  James is about 7 and hes a ball of energy all around. Maybe I was wrong about wanting kids. These two sure are birth control.

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