first few years

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November 19 1965

On a cold snowy day in Alberta Canada a English prostitute was rushed to alberta women's and childrens hospital in active labor. Here she was expecting her first child with a man she recently married who isnt present. She was immediately brought up to maternity and into the delivery room. She was was screaming grabbing at any one she could demanding something to take to ease the pain of child birth. At one point she begged for a c section but it was too late. The baby starts to crown. One nurse is on the side of her and the other is opposite. 5 minutes later a boisterous baby boy comes out screaming and crying as doctors patted his little butt and whisked him to get cleaned up as they got the new mom all situated. The doctor was quite baffled about the looks of the child. Whomever is the father must not be any better looking. The new mom could honestly care less and lights up a cigarette once shes in post partum room. She looks at trevor in the cot near to hers with a blue blanket and blue shirt and blue hat all wrapped up. She thinks to herself how could she have gotten in the situation of a pregnancy. She never really wanted children and here she is,in a post partum hospital room with her baby boy on the left of her sleeping soundly in the cot. She stares at her baby In disgust. This child resembles the man she isn't quite fond of but is now married to.
The door then knocks and in comes not so happy father. He walks up bitching about how he should have been more careful during intercourse.
"Oh shut it Dan, you're not the only one displeased...a nurse comes in smiling and goes over to a sleep baby trevor and asks if Dan would like to hold his new son. Dan hesitated and then says why not reaching his arms out as the nurse places the half asleep newborn. He gently moved the blanket from his face . He at a moment was smiling as the newborn was opening is eyes and stirring around. His little tounge was moving In and out searching for his mothers nipple that wasn't there. "This kid seems to enjoy sticking his toungue at me" news giggles and says "he must be hungry ,you see ba..... before she could even get a word in dan puts the child back in the nurse's arms and sits on the rocking chair. "Ok vera ,its time for Trevor's second feeding " the nurse says bringing the baby to a preoccupied woman putting her. Cigarette out. She then takes a bow fussy trevor and puts him next to her boob. Trevor then finds it and begins to suckle . "It tickles so much..." vera complains loudly. "You should be used to men sucking those puppies . Vera glares at dan to knock it off and then looks at her baby. She's amazed on how much he looks like his dad and not her. "I carried you 9 months and the least you could do was look like that thing in the chair over there"
Dan flips vera the finger . "Why don't you get your ass up and help me with a name why don't you?" Dan grumpily gets out of the chair and mumbles over to the side of the bed to brain storm. "How about daniel Carson jr..."
Vera shakes her head and says "I don't want to curse this child anymore than he already will be with your name.... how about Stewart Sampson after my dad and late grandfather? "He doesn't look like a Stewart and the middle name is just awful dan snickers . " ok then how about this I pick the name you pick the middle.... I was thinking trevor... I had a regular with that make and it kinda rings a bell to me. Dan Cracks up laughing " can't be serious woman?! Oh my God that's a good one.... but sure trevor how about we just don't give him a middle name. Because I'm stuck on Carson and if you won't let me pick then he just won't have one. " "he has to have a middle name.... carson it is ....trevor carson phillips.
The two just shake their heads as the baby yawns and stretches after his feeding.

6 months later April 1966 Easter

Trevor is about 6 months old. He can sit up he's more chunky being exclusively fed by his mom's milk and he's gassy. The baby is sitting in a pack n play with a toy ring in his mouth. His mother dressed him up in his Sunday best for Easter. She's big on going to church for Christmas and easter. She's since put her sex working days behind her focusing on the little family she's created. Trevor now has silky dark brown hair on top of his head. He was born balder than a womans shaven cooter his dad inappropriately commented when he was born. They lived I'm a 2bed shack type home. Trevor was relatively a happy infant. Totally ignorant to the constant drinking from his dad and yelling between the parents. Everything seemed great. But will it stay that way Trevor's mom picks up the infant and then Carrie's him out to the car following a drunk angry dan. Due to no carseats in the mid sixties he had to be held by his mother . He enjoyed all the car rides. They get to the church and to dad's and Trevor's surprise he was being baptized. Dan wasn't crazy about the idea and plain old refused to allow trevor to be baptized. This angered his mother who as dan Carried trevor to the car she screamed and hollered " I want him baptized!!!! " "since when the fuck were you all "holy and shit eh? Were you holy on the street corner downtown or how about at Dixie Mae's strip club where you gave me a lap dance and let me suck those once luscious titties?" Vera tells him to stuff it as she reaches for trevor. Dan violently yanks trevor away from her causing the precious baby to cry . This gathers attention from the other church goers. Vera's face turns bright red and says let's just go you sure do like to cause a scene. Dan then hands a crying baby trevor and gets into the station wagon. They peel off and head home. Back home vera had gotten a easter basket for little trevor . A stuffed bunny some chew toys for teething and a book . Dan just shook his head as she was on the floor with a now happy trevor. Dan hates the holidays and just doesn't see the point of them.

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