Lights, camera's and action people it's show time I could here as I walked in to the ballroom.
Doing a 360 degree turn as I look over
everything and as promised the room had a complete makeover.

So proud of everyone I ask if they could all stop what they were doing and to come front and center.
I want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for making this evening a success and hoping to return in future for more events like this.

Now let's open the doors and light the candles people .
They all clapped their hands and went back to work with in second their was a soft melody playing and in walked the hostess of the night with a doubtful look on her face like how could I pull this off.

Sending me scoulling looks I smiled and walk over to the platform to get a sound check then.  Smiling again as I looked to the doors awaiting our first guess.
Amy called me to tell me she's hiding in the bathroom and not coming out.
Rolling my eyes I walk to the powder room to find her crying and saying that she going home because her dress is not presentable. After listening for 5 minutes I asj her who told her that.

That red headed dragon strikes again.
Telling Amy in the carpet that she's not dressed for a party more like a funeral
Happy to help reapply her makeup I leave out to over hear the no good wench telling the guest how  she single handedly put together this whole thing despite the minor challenges.

I rolled my eyes as I walked towards the greeters and told them to make sure everyone had a glass and that if they need the restroom to be sure to show them where to go. Theirs atleast 15 of them to start and 10 more waiting staff in the kitchen..

Making my way to the kitchen I find my nemesis about to tell the extra helpers they could go.
That's it!.

I walked into the room clearing throat and letting the cuss words I've been holding in since she started her smear compain against me  fly out my mouth at full force.

Look you absent-minded bi**h, if you don't take your narrow a$$ back out their and welcome the guest in like your supposed to I'm gonna drag you from this kitchen by your false a#$ boob job.

Hearing laughter from behind me I turn to see not only my boss but everyone including my best friends and a ketchup lip stained James.
Ms. Shannon, I  liked the look and all but there is no one to greet the guests. 

That's my fault sir. I'll take care of it right now.  Walking around me miserable a#$ left the room. I address the staff and told them under no circumstances are they to leave until everything was back to normal footing.

Then walking out to see Amy taking charge and me giving her a thumbs up. Happy now that the ball is in full swing and the people are flowing in and outside the building the flashing lights are clicking away.
Then out of the corner of my eye I saw my Parents and brother watching and waiting for the introduction of their  arrival.  I walked over and announced them and they said thanks and walked away not once noticing me or their daughter transformation.
Happy that I can let these things go know because a younger me would have been crying somewhere.

It's just funny they can show up for meetings and ballrooms rub elbows with strangers but me walking across the stage with honors were a no show.

Smiling at the last people coming in and seeing the pictures being taken of the couples wanting to be photographed . I dazed on until I felt someone rubbing my hand.
Looking up at Jason I gave him a questioning look.
He just asked me to come in the main room as the ceremony was beginning. goes nothing,  I thought to myself.

Taking a seat at our table  I see how everything came together and I smiled looking at my place setting.

After Pam got off the stage announcing that dinner was to  be
I excuse myself to make sure everyone including my table had to correct food and wine selections 

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