Sana was the first to get out of the car and head inside. Mina soon followed after a minute of contemplation. The house was quiet when they had gone in. The girls were gathered by the living room, a solemn silence had surrounded them. Mina knew that if she had stood in front of them and started a pep talk, this awful tension they were all feeling would go away. But she herself didn't know what to say. What if she just ends up saying what she wants to hear but it's not what they want to hear.

"Let's eat" It wasn't that obvious but Mina could hear the faint hoarseness in Dahyun's voice. It had seemed like Dahyun was scared, scared that she might mess up tomorrow.

That was the only verbal words that were shared between all of them that night. Nothing else came out of their mouths but their eyes were telling another story. They were silently telling each other that it was okay but at the same time that they were scared themselves too. How can you comfort someone when you yourself are terrified at the situation because it was alien, unfamiliar, and scary to you.

After they had cleaned up, they got into their rooms to freshen up before going to bed. Sana was supposed to sleep with Chaeyoung this time since after all, that was their room assignment, Jeongyeon with Momo, Sana with Chaeyoung, and Dahyun with Mina. She knocked on the door before opening it slowly. Once she saw Dahyun in the room, she knew.

She just bowed and looked at Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung was thankful her bestfriend was okay with it so she had allowed her to get inside to get her night clothes before quietly leaving the room.

It was weird but they didn't know how to ease the tension so they just kept quiet the entire night.

Mina was surprised to see that Sana was the one who'd share her bed with her but it wasn't like she was complaining. After all, this was going to be their last night together so might as well let it be.

The two got in bed and faced the opposite direction. Mina badly wanted to turn around. She hoped that when she did, she'd see Sana facing her too and maybe for the first time this evening, they'd share a smile with each other. She couldn't twist or turn since she didn't want to ruin Sana's sleep. She figured the older woman was already asleep since she could hear faint snoring from the other side.

She softly shook her head. Sana shouldn't matter more than what she already was to Mina--a simple deal, and she knew that she just the same to Sana. But why did it hurt to think that?

There is an unsaid law of attraction where you slowly become attracted to someone over an amount of time that you spend closely with them despite you telling yourself that you would never like them. Mina thought to herself and pondered if that was the case for Sana. After all, that was what happened with her and Wendy in high school. Her classmate had pestered her everyday to go on a date with her but Mina would turn her down everytime until she found herself eventually warming up to girl and looking forward to the time of the day where Wendy would ask her out.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She'll figure this out in the morning, there was nothing she could do now so she'd just be wasting her time staring at her blank wall when she could be sleeping.

Morning rolled in and they had freshened up before going to the kitchen to eat. There, they had their first words shared with one another ever since last night's awful tension.

It was Sana who broke it. She had to since she needed to brief them of their plan. Mina would occasionally butt in and add to it to make the plan more viable while the other girls simply nodded and would often say "yes".

They all got inside the car except for Chaeyoung and Momo. The two would stay behind to check the monitors and record their meeting.

It wasn't long until they had arrived at the restaurant they had agreed on with Nayeon. It was different this time since Sana was the one driving while Mina, Dahyun, and Jeongyeon sat at the back.

The Con-Heartist (2na) (Mina x Sana)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora