Chapter 39

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Y/n pov:

''I missed you too'' I whispered back. I pulled away from the hug, and after that Neji and I went to walk around the village

we were talking about all different things, it was nice seeing Neji again. It even made me like him even more and I don't know how, just being around him made me happy and it reminded me how much I missed him

3 hours later I told him it's about time for me to head back, he was a bit upset but I guess he understood why

he pulled me into a hug and said goodnight, when he pulled away he kissed me on my cheek before vanishing. I touch the spot he kissed and smiled, heading back and fell asleep with a smile on my face

our next stop will be Kumogakure ( village hidden in the clouds)

we left and traveled for 5 days, it's been 4 months since we left the village. We arrived early and started training. I made some friend while I was visiting the other villages, either when I went to go eat or at the hot spring I made friends and they would come to watch us train and learn some new jutsu they might not have know

I wrote to Neji telling him exactly what has happened since I last saw him. I told him that I collapsed when we were training and my chakra was leaking, and that I had to rest for 3 days before I could train again and that I broke my right leg so I couldn't fight them. I also wrote that I missed him and the others and that I was glad everything was going good at the village. I told him too tell everyone to expect gifts when I return (I have been buying souvenirs since the training started and knew they would like their gifts but I just haven't been able to find Neji one)

we stayed at the cloud for 2 months, the training wasn't as bad as the others, we decided to take it easy, we were going to be leaving tomorrow for Shimogakure (village hidden in the frost) we also brought some warm clothes the day before. That day when we left I received a message from Neji and felt relieved when I was reading it also made me smile

we left and arrived 1 week after and it was cold, luckily we only stayed for 1 month and 3 weeks we didn't struggle as much, because we decided to hurry up before we die of cold, so when we were training we made as much fire as possible to keep us warm, we then left traveling for another week before going to another village to rest

I was reading the messages Neji wrote and he said Kakashi sensei become Hokage and naruto has to study again.

And I told him about how cold it was and the training went by fast since we didn't want to die of cold, we couldn't wear the cloaks while we were training so we had so wear long shirts and pants which didn't help as much as the cloaks, I also told Neji that we decided to head toward Hoshigakure (village hidden in the stars) since we didn't go there first to fight, we will also only be staying for about 2 weeks and then head back towards the village

we left the next morning and headed towards the village which took us about 2 days. When we arrived the first thing I did was I wrote to Neji, he told me he missed me and the other also, he said a few people were asking for me but they told them that I was still training

And also I still haven't found a gift for Neji, Ooh and it's also almost my birthday again, we have been away from the village for more than 8 months but will be returning in 2 weeks.

The next day Neji wrote to me and said that he might be out on a mission that day I felt a bit upset

2 weeks went by in a blink of an eye, and we headed back toward the leaf,. It will be Kenji and Haruki's birthday in a month and then they will be leaving to go protect their villages, so I will have to go back to the hideout to attend the meeting, and when Akihiro leaves we will need to get some new people to join the prodigies (you are only allowed to be apart of the prodigies until you are 18 or 19 so I will leave the prodigies in 2 years)

we arrived at the village 3 days later and it felt amazing to be back, the village didn't change too much and when I came closer to the gate I saw the others were waiting for me, so I ran up to them

''guys I missed you'' I hugged them and they all agreed, they said they missed me and that they were glad I was back

I then gave them their gifts

I gave Naruto different ramen, from different villages and I wrote on a piece of paper which villages they were from
I got tenten scrolls and different ninja tools from the other villages that you could only get from there and nowhere else
for Choji, I just got different types of food and limited edition sweets
for ino I got her some flower seed from the villages, the villages we went to grew some of the most beautiful flowers and I knew they would go well in her store and I got her a rare flower and kept it save
for Sakura I got some medical herbs and medical ninja stuff, I also got her this thing that you can use to train and no matter how hard you hit it, it won't break so she can practice on this
for Kiba and Akamaru I got different types of dog treats he can give Akamaru, they were all made especially for dogs and there was a village where they had a shop just for dogs
for lee I got him some weights, there was a weight that they sold that was said to be heavy and that no one can pick it up, I picked it up but only for a few seconds and then rolled it towards my scroll where I was storing all the things
for Shino I got him some rear bugs, they were really rare and you couldn't find them anywhere anymore
for Shikamaru, I didn't know what to get him so I got him some books to read on how to improve his shadow possession jutsu and I brought him some quizzes and stuff he can do when he gets bored of doing Hokage assistant stuff
for Hinata, I got a really pretty kimono and some other things that might help her with her training and things she could give to her little sister
for sai, I got a drawing book and some drawing utensils, and a brush that can change color while you draw, you just need to think of the color you want it to be
I even got some things for Sasuke but since he doesn't come to the village often I will give them to him when he arrives

we decided to go get some barbeque to catch up on everything that happened. I told them what happened on the training and the new rankings, they congratulated me on 1st, and after the barbeque it was night when they said goodnight and everyone left. I was a bit tired but decided to go one more place before I go home, I went to the spot where I saw Neji, last the spot we hang out.

I  sat down and admired the view. I missed just sitting here and looking at the stars

a few minutes passed and I sensed a presence behind me. I turned around and saw Neji standing there.

I quickly got to my feet but fell over my feet. I got to my feet as I  ran toward him and we both met in the middle and hugged I hugged him tightly

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