Chapter 6:

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Y/n pov :

once I stepped outside I was surrounded by people

''are you the y/n l/n the top 1 prodigy? ''

''You don't look like you can protect the village''

''are you sure your name is y/n? ''

those were the questions I heard. I really wanted to leave but there was no escape, so I just stood there

''come on guys that's enough give her some space'' said a guy with gray/white hair, everyone then turned their attention towards the guy and then left, ''are you OK? '' he asked as he stepped forward

'he looks familiar do I know him ' I thought to myself and then it finally hit me

''yes I am thank you, and are you Kakashi Hatake by any chance?'' I asked as soon as he stopped in front of me

''yeah how did you know'' he asked as he looked at me

''because I met you once''

I looked at him before continuing ''you probably won't remember but 3 years ago you met a girl asking for help because her little sister was injured?'' I asked


''I will be leaving soon If that's fine Sensei'' I said as I was packing to leave

''yeah when will you be back??'' sensei asked as he watched how I pack my bag

''a week maybe, it's my birthday today so I'll be spending time with my mother and little sister and then I'll take them to a hot spring to spend some time together. I haven't seen them in 4 months so I gonna spend as much time with them'' I said as I finished my packing

''I see, well enjoy'' sensei then left the room, and I followed him

''goodbye everyone see you next week'' I shouted as I arrived at the front door

''y/n I'll miss you, don't forget me'' explained Mayu as she ran down the hall

''Mayu I'll only be gone for a week'' I laughed as she then tackled me into a hug

''I know but still-''

''Mayu you're suffocating me'' I said as I tried to get Mayu of me

''ooh sorry'' she stood up and helped me

''Well I'll be going now" I said while walking away and waving

'time skip'

I have been walking for 5 hours I'll be home soon.

I'm really excited to visit because my little sister gave me a violin for my birthday last year! then when it was her birthday I played a song she asked me to learn and t she asked me to please go learn her favorite song 'before you go' and play it for her when it's my birthday again

which is today, I know how much my little sister likes this song so I learned the song, and I can't wait to play it to her today

I stopped once I was in front of my house

'that's weird their chakra, it's fading'.

I opened the door ''I am home!'' I yelled while taking my shoes off

but no one answered. I started walking through the house and smelled something nasty as I walked toward the kitchen, I smelled blood

I rushed to the kitchen to find my mother and little sister laying in a huge amount of blood, I quickly rushed to my mother ''mom hey I'm home open your eyes''

I started to feel for a pulse but there was none, my head dropped and I screamed ''Mom!!! noo come on I'm here wake up, please wake up!'' I shout and shook her a bit, I then turned my attention to my little sister

'' hey s/n I'm here and I learned that song you asked for'' I said as tears ran down my cheek, I then checked for a pulse

' she has a pulse but it's faint' I thought

I then quickly picked her up bridal style and ran out of the house

''help! please help! my sister, she's hurt please!'' I shouted as I ran. I stopped once I saw people

I ran to them as quick as I could ''please you have to help me, my sister she's hurt'' I said crying

''yeah sure put her down there, I am a medical ninja so I'll try everything I can to heal her I promise'' said a girl with a mask on her face

I then nodded and sat my sister down, carefully, once she was down the lady started healing her

''hey come here'' said a guy with gray/white hair ''my name is Kakashi Hatake and that's Leila (name I made up) the one healing your sister, what happened''

I wiped my tears away and gave a sad smile and explained everything that happened

''you're being awfully kind for someone sister who might die'' said Kakashi, I looked down

''well you see my mother always told me to be nice to people even if something horrible is happening, I should always be nice to people and I made mother a promise to always be kind to people and since she has passed I am going do everything to keep that promise'' I said as a gave a small sad smile

Leila cleared her throat

''I really am sorry but I did everything I could, your sister, she had too many injuries and she was poisoned as well and I didn't have all the things I needed to heal her I really am sor-''

she was interrupted when I picked up my little sister ''It's fine really, thank you for doing everything you could'' before they could ask anything we were gone

*flashback end*

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