Chapter 4:

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Neji pov:

I was training like always nothing new, 'I wonder when the new teammate will come' I asked myself still hitting the tree

I was in thought when I heard Gai-sensei call us, I didn't even notice he had arrived

when I went closer I saw this really pretty girl with the most beautiful h/c hair and the prettiest e/c eyes I have ever seen

'who's this, is this the prodigy who's gonna be our new member 'I thought

''my youthful student this is y/n l/n the one I told you about, she will be joining our team '' Gai-sensei said pointing to the girl, she had no emotion on her face she just looked at us

''introduce yourselves and tell her more about you and then y/n you introduced yourself and tell us more about your youthful self'' Gai-sensei explained with his signature smile

when we were all done introducing y/n introduced herself, I wasn't really paying attention because I could stop staring at her.

''now that my youthful students know something about each other, y/n I have to show you around town, and you're also joining my youthful students''

'I really don't want to but what choice do I have' I thought to myself

y/n pov

Lee's eyes sparkled with joy as he nodded and started running to town, Gai-sensei following.
I stood there looking at them before walking, not running, just walking. TenTen and Neji followed behind me.

Once we caught up to Lee and Gai-sensei, they started showing me around, and I must say this town really is breathtaking maybe I can call this place home

while Gai-sensei showed us around Lee and TenTen started a conversation with me or tried, I just ignored them before we stopped in front of a shop, it looks like a food shop

''so I'm just gonna get some dumplings my youthful self is hungry do you guys want some?'' asked Gai-sensei Before he went in, everyone just nodded 'no' and then in a blink of an eye Gai-sensei went in

so there we stood, in silence, it was awkward but the silence was soon interrupted when Neji spoke up

''I heard a rumor that the top 5 Prodigies are all heartless and emotionless, and I guess that's true, I mean TenTen and Lee have been trying to start a conversation with you but you ignored them'' said Neji

I must say it hurt because the 5 Prodigies are some of the sweetest people I've met, I didn't really paying attention to what Neji said because something caught my, it was an elderly woman walking under a guy painting the building but that paint was about to fall

I ran as fast as I could and I picked her up putting her down swiftly but slowly so I don't hurt her, just as I was about to catch the bucket op fell on me covering me in blue paint

everyone's attention turned to me as I was standing there covered in paint. Before I ran I put my backpack down just in case I would be covered in paint

I took a deep breath and turned towards my team mates I walked towards them

When I got there I picked up my backpack, and just as I was leaving Gai-sensei came out, he looked at me and before he could ask what happened I was gone

Neji pov:

''I heard a rumor that the top 5 Prodigies are all heartless and emotionless, and I guess that's true, I mean TenTen and Lee have been trying to start a conversation but you ignored'' I told her

I can't actually believe I said it but I did

''are you even listening?'' I look at y/n, she wasn't paying attention she was looking at the elderly women ''y/n hello are you listen-'' I stopped when I saw y/n ran

just as I was about to say something the bucket of paint fell on y/n, but I don't get it the elderly women was there. Was she that fast that she moved the elderly women out of the way, I see everyone turning their attention towards y/n clearly shocked, she took a deep breath and started walking towards us

when she stopped in front of us she picked up her bag and then Gai-sensei came out, he was clearly confused but before he could ask a question y/n was gone

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