Chapter 20

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y/n pov:

after I left, I walked around trying to decide what I will be playing but nothing came to mind.I wasn't walking around for long, well it didn't feel long. I was heading to the stage where we are performing and went backstage, there were only 3 people left then it would be my turn

I left my violin here right before I decided to go get some dumplings so I went to go grab it and got ready

2 people were left, time was running out. I have no idea what I should play, nothing came to mind, absolutely nothing

1 more person was left.

I was becoming a nervous train wreck, nothing. I still have nothing, the person that went before, their act is short they are only doing one magic trick!

and before I knew it, it was my turn. I was nervous but tried to stay calm. I was walking towards the stage, and then a song came to mind. I was so relieved I found one, my nerves were gone now. I was just shocked that this song never occurred to me

once I was on stage I faced everyone, most of the people were gone by now ''hi my name is
y/n and I will be playing the violin, the song I will be playing was one of my sisters favorites'' I said bowing a bit

I put my violin on my shoulder and got ready to play, I was playing 'carol of the bells ', it was one of my sisters favorites

*play video if you like*

It's time I'm ready.

I must say I enjoy playing songs that my sister liked, although they bring back memories that I'll rather forget, it still feels like she is right here with me when I play

'hey sis how much do you love me' s/n asked while we were walking around the garden. I stopped and faced her 'this much' I say as I extended my arms to the side 'how much do you love me' I asked as I put my arms in front of me again 'this much' s/n said doing the same I did

I closed my eyes remembering all the memories we had together, trying not to cry

'I don't feel so good' s/n said as she held her head 'what's the matter, mom went to town, are you ok' I asked as i read a book I found 'I don't know I feel dizzy' s/n said standing up from the couch, while she was standing up her legs gave in and she collapsed to the floor before she could hit the floor I caught her and put my hand against her head 'your burning up s/n'

I opened my eyes and looked at the crowd. I locked eyes with Neji, I have this weird feeling every time inside me when I look at Neji he makes me feel safe, he makes me feel like nothing can go wrong as long as he is by my side, I may have known him for less than a month but still, I have these feelings.

I am not in love, I can't explain it, all I know is I am scared. Everyone close to me always ends up leaving me, and it hurts every time. I t averted my eyes to the crowd they all seemed like they were on the verge of crying

'bye sis I will miss you don't forget about me' s/n said giving me a tight hug, crying 'I won't you are my favorite sister after all' I said giving her a pat on the head "I am your only sister' she laughed as she pulled away from the hug 'and that is more reason why I won't forget you' I hugged her tight this time 'don't forget me ok' i said still hugging her, she returned the hug 'I won't I love you too much to forget you' we pulled away from the hug, and I turned around walking away

A small tear was sliding down my cheek and I can't wipe it away. I hope someday when I meet someone and they become close to me they won't end up leaving me too, I won't let that happen. I will save them, I will do everything I can to save them, even if it means. I look into the sky playing my violin with all my heart

once I was done nothing but tears came out of my eyes I wiped them away and took a bow

I felt relieved, I felt safe before I sensed a dangerous presence, it's still far away from the village but I can feel the blood lust. I  looked up at everyone, there were more people this time, they were all giving me a round of applause

''are there any shinobi who use water style?'' I asked as loud as I could causing them to stop, a few were raising their hands

''good now follow me'' I said as I put down my violin and signaled them to follow me. I could hear whispers around me wondering what I was doing, we didn't' go too far from the crowd or the stage

''do any of you know the barrier jutsu which you use to create a big barrier of water to protect something'' I asked as I looked at everyone there were about 3 who knew it, ''ok know the 3 who know it teach it to those who don't know it''

I pointed towards a group, ''and I'll teach them ok'' they all nodded without any question

while I was teaching the hand signs people were gathering around us

''what are you doing y/n?'' Neji asked as he moved his way through the crowd

''not to cause a panic or anything but there is danger heading towards the village so if you please excuse me I should show them these hand signs"

''why do we need to learn this, if this is to protect something what are we protecting'' asked one of the few who raised their hands

''the village'' I answered

''we won't have enough chakra to cover the whole village'' said the same person

''well that's why you have me, I will give you some of my chakra'' I said as I finished showing them the signs ''are you done'' they just nodded.

I told them to get ready, and we did some hands signs ''water style: barrier Jutsu'' we all said simultaneously

water was starting to cover the village, it was like a huge bubble covering the village. We were about halfway when I felt that their chakra was running low, we didn't have much time left. I took turns placing my hand on their back giving them some of my chakra, I could feel I was starting to get dizzy, I probably gave them to much chakra

when the whole village was covered Shikamaru asked me a question

''what's this for y/n''

''you'll see wait'' I told him as I looked up

A small like light was heading towards us, when it came closer you could see it was paper bombs. Those paper bomb hit the barrier, causing the paper bombs to explode, nothing happened to the water barrier maybe we lost a bit of the water that we were using but that is much better than losing the houses

this time more paper bombs were coming, too many to count. I just told them to keep the barrier steady, everyone started covering their ears from the noise

it was about 3 minute of paper bombs hitting the water barrier nonstop. I closed my eyes and focused, I could sense there were no more paper bombs but a strong presence was heading this way fast

''you can drop the barrier now, thank you, and I need you guys to get the townspeople to safety'' I said looking at them

''why'' sakura asked confused

"there is going to be a battle here and they will get hurt so take them to safety'' I said raising my voice a bit so they can hear me

''what about you'' Neji asked a bit concerned

"I will be fighting, it is my job after all to protect everyone."

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