Chapter 23

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Neji pov

I was worried. I never want to see y/n so vulnerable again, I was worried but when she gave me that small smile, telling me everything will be fine, I felt relieved

''did you see that'' I hear Shikamaru ask behind me, I turn around and walked towards them

''y/n, she had a chakra cloak around her, just like naruto when he loses control'' Sakura said finishing Shikamaru's' sentence. I saw it, everything, I saw her chakra network, how much chakra she had when she lost control, its the same as naruto just stronger

''and she had these eyes, they weren't like the byakugan, it was blue in color with a darkened sclera and a visible pupil '' Shikamaru said holding his head like he was thinking about something

''We can think about it later, we can let everyone know it's safe to come out now'' Ino said walking away and heading towards the townspeople

''I'll catch up later I need to go talk to the Hokage'' I said walking away from everyone.I activated my Byakugan searching for Lady Tsunade, once I found her I went to go talk to her

''We need to talk Lady Hokage'' I said as I stood behind her and once I was done explaining everything I went to go help

y/n pov

once we arrived at the hideout we had Mayu's funeral, we let her parents know. We have our funerals at our hideout and we bury our fallen comrades there so they can't get reanimated and be used as a tool, I also paid my respect to the previous prodigies

I turned to face the prodigies, they had tears in their eyes, Mayu was like a sister to us, and a lover too, Mayu and Kenji were dating since before I even joined, and it must be hard for him

I bowed ''I am sorry this is my fault, Kenji I am sorry for letting this happened'' I said tears forming in my eyes

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up, it was Kenji, he then hugged me tight

''it's fine, please don't blame yourself, and take care of yourself we don't want to lose anyone else'' he said letting go of the hug

I nodded and wiped away the tears. I  apologized again and said goodbye, it was already getting late and the sun was setting, it takes about 3 hours to go the hidden leaf. (We were in one of our hideouts closer to the village, if we were to go to our original hideout it would take a couple of hours or days)

I felt better but I still felt weak if something were to happen to the leaf in the next week I won't be able to protect them and naruto is training

once I arrived at the village it was late. I took my time coming to the village, I went to the place me and Neji said to meet, he wasn't there so I sat down and looked at the stars, not long after I felt I familiar presence and turned around

there he stood the moon shining on him. I stood up and faced him, we just stared at each other before I walked towards him, he opened his arms, I went and I started hugging him. I could feel his arms wrap around me as I rested my forehead on his shoulder, and started crying

I don't know how long we were standing there but it felt like time stopped, I felt safe, I felt like nothing could go wrong, after a while I looked up and our eyes met

''sorry for wetting your shirt with my tears'' I said looking at him, observing his face, my eyes then landed on his lips but then quickly averted them back to his eyes

''don't worry'' he chuckled ''you promised Mayu something may I know what you promised'' he asked

I was hesitant at first but told him

''she made me promise not to blame myself and to tell everyone the truth'' I said remembering what Mayu said, then I remembered my other promise I made to Mayu

I felt my face heat up. I turned away from Neji so he can't see the blush that crept on my face ''and there is this other promise but I feel embarrassed saying it out loud'' I said putting my hands on my face to cover it

''it's ok'' Neji said as he took my hands that were in front of my face and led me to the edge of the cliff. We sat down and looked at the stars, I laid down my head on top of Neji shoulder and looked at the view in front of us, there was a comfortable silence

''thank you Neji'' I say breaking the silence. I lifted my head of Neji shoulder and looked at him, he turned his gaze towards me ''I mean it'' I said giving him a genuine smile, no more faking, no more keeping my face emotionless

I could see Neji was shocked but soon smiled at me "yeah no problem'' he turned to the front again ''are you going to tell them tomorrow'' he asked not turning to look at me

''Yeah, so could you, when you see them tomorrow tell them to meet me at our training ground, please'' I said as I stood up dusting my clothes, Neji soon followed dusting himself, once he was done he looked at me and nodded, we were just staring at each other

I took a step forward and grabbed his face bringing it closer to mine, I gave him a small kiss on the cheek, when I pulled away I could see Neji was shocked '' thank you for everything Neji, goodnight'' I said as I took my hands off his cheek and left

Neji pov:

I stood there, shocked 'I didn't expect that to happen, though I wish she kissed me on my li-' I quickly cut my thought before I could finish '' no stop that'' i said out loud to myself, I quickly started walking

I was touching my cheek, where she kissed me, the whole time. I didn't even notice I arrived at the compound, I went inside with a small smile on my face

''Neji you seem quite happy'' I hear Hinata say, she was sitting there, she must have gotten back from her mission

''I am not I just decided to start smiling more'' I said as I crossed my arms, I could hear her laugh but quietly not to wake up anyone

''yeah sure'' she said looking at me giving me a small smile ''ooh y/n asked me to tell everyone to meet her at our training ground tomorrow'' I said walking past Hinata

''goodnight'' I closed the door behind me and went to bed

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