Chapter 49

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y/n pov;

''are you mad at me'' he broke the silence, I didn't answer him and kept looking at the view ''it's not what it looks like I swear I have a reason for you seeing me at the hot spring with that lady''

''ooh and do you have a reason for being with her yesterday as well'' I asked harshly and turned to look at him and he nodded, he then stood up and held out his hand and I took it

''I was with her yesterday because you and Hinata were out and Hanabi was busy so I needed a women's help and she was available and the same reason today Hanabi was free but she got called back to the Hyuga and she was not busy so I asked for her help again'' I said as he took both my hands in his hands

''couldn't you wait till I return so I can help you'' I asked and he nodded no

"I wanted to finish everything before you came back'' he let go of my hands

''And why would you need her help''

''to find the things I would need'' He reached for his pocket and pulled something out, he then got on one knee and my heart stopped I looked at him and a smile was starting to form on my face, and I felt my eyes tear up

''y/n you mean the world to me. The day I met you it felt like my world stopped, I feel like when you're by my side I can do anything. I want you to know that you are my everything and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, just feel my heartbeat and you will know how badly I need you in my life, so would you make me the happiest man and become my wife'' he opened the box and I saw this really beautiful ring

tears were rolling down my face and I was so excited, I then nodded yes and wiped away the tears ''yes! 100 times yes'' He stood up and I hugged him, when we pulled away he slipped the ring on my hand and kissed me and I kissed him back, we pulled away and Neji put his hand on my stomach and bend down

''we're getting married little ones'' he told the babies. I couldn't help but giggle and I kissed him and thanked him

he then walked me home and kissed me goodnight, that night I went to sleep with a smile on my face. The next morning I was getting ready when I heard a knock. I opened the door and saw Neji, he kissed me good morning as he came in he asked me if I am done and I nodded yes

he turned me around and put a blindfold over my eyes, I asked him what this is for and he said so I can't see. He started leading me somewhere making sure I don't fall, we were walking for about 8 minutes before Neji stopped

he then undid the blindfold it took me a few seconds to readjust to the light and I saw this beautiful house in front of us, I turned towards Neji

''is this our house?''I asked trying not to get excited but he then nodded yes, I pulled him into a hug and kissed him on his cheek and then his lips a couple of times

he opened the door and showed me around. First downstairs and then upstairs. There were 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms, he said that when the babies are born they will sleep in our room until they are old enough and then they can either share a room until they don't want to anymore or they can have their separate rooms, I was so excited about everything

*3 months later*

I am 6 months pregnant, we moved into the house together and got everything ready for the babies, everyone congratulated us on the proposal, we decided to get married 3 months after the babies are born and we have decided on names as well the girl will be Harumi Hyuga and the boy will be Ichiro Hyuga

I talked to the tailed beast and they said everything is fine and they had great new, they said since I will be having twins I can seal them earlier since they will only be getting 3

I decided to keep the tailed beast whose Jinchuriki are still alive, so I will keep Kurama, Gyuki, and Shukaku, since Gaara is still alive, and will seal Seiken, Matabi, and Chomey in Harumi (the girl) and Son Goku, Kokua, and Isobu in Ichiro (the boy)

Neji and I are closer than ever, we would have late night talks about everything, we got to know each other more than we did and we talked about what the babies would be like

*3 months later*

I have been 9 months pregnant and my stomach is huge, we were in the hospital since I am about to give birth

it's so painful at least Neji was next to me. He was so supportive and helped me, Harumi was born first and 3 minutes later Ichiro was born I felt relieved they then wrapped them I fell asleep so I had no idea what happened

the next day when I woke up Neji was sitting next to me on a chair. I sat up and put my hand on his head he then looked up and hugged me, we then heard someone come in and the 2 babies with them

Neji and I looked at each other and smiled, they thnen handed us the babies, the boy to me and the girl to Neji, he then took a seat next to me

''They are beautiful'' he looked at the babies, he took a seat next to me and kissed me ''thank you y/n for making me the happiest man alive''

''no thank you Neji for changing my life'' I kissed him but stopped when I heard a small sneeze, Harumi was the one who sneezed, and then Ichiro stifled a small giggle

Neji and I look at each other with smiles on both of our faces

1 week later I was discharged from the hospital, Neji let the prodigies know the babies were born and they said they will come as soon as possible

Neji x reader: Top 5 Shinobi Prodigies Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora