3. Greetings

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**To shed a little light on the background of this entire fictional-series.**

The vast and all-encompassing realm shined upon by the Ilumnia consists of several diversified kingdoms. The largest of them all is the glorious, monumental kingdom of Evaria, ruled by the Luminiary of the light.

For over centuries, the LightBringers have been the most influential linkgen in Evaria and the greatest of them all is the Luminiary, leader of the LightBringers, king of Evaria. 

The Luminiary of each linkgen are the rulers of the different Kingdoms and with the aid of their loyal and trustworthy advisors the Grand Healers, they maintain the peace and prosperity of their own kingdoms.

Every human being in this realm has their own linkgen, different groups of people with their similar unique characteristics and power.

The high-spirited Wind Runners, the peace loving Earth Trotters, the valiant Flame Forgers, the able-bodied Metal Binders, the even-handed Water Gliders, the jovial Rhythmers and not forgetting the righteous LightBringers.

Each linkgen has their own group of healers, secrets, cultures, believes and way of life. Throughout the ages, each and every linkgen has lived harmoniously in convergence. They respect each other and even come together in time of need.

When an individual comes of age, they will obtain their Luminence and begin to portray his/her link. One does not simply chooses his/her link. It is in their blood and their destinies long-written before they even enter the world.

However, there are also those who are unable to ever obtain their link. Never gaining Luminence, this group of people have been forever shunned by the rest and labelled as superfluous.

Some become superfluous as they have committed an evil deed and lost their link, while others become superfluous unwillingly, never knowing why they did not obtained Luminence.

This is a story about fighting for our own futures and defending what is dear to us. A story to bring to light the fact that how the decisions we make would alter our lives even if it is in the slightest way possible.

A story about the adventures and challenges a girl and her group of friends has to overcome to rewrite their own destinies.

An intriguing and exhilarating tale totally inspired by the dramas and movies I have watched, my random personal thoughts and mostly my wild imagination.

Let us go on an adventure together. Venture; Shadow.

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