Chapter 16

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Michelle Pov:

The ride for Ashton home went on silently, Ashton was driving and listening to songs on the radio and humming some of them, occasionally I would also hum to the songs.

"We're here," Ashton said snapping me out of my thoughts.

Looking outside I didn't see home, it was a freaking Mansion, I stared in awe as we reached the gates. The House was massive, There was a fountain in the middle of the lawn. The house was white polished. The house was simply screaming money. Never in my whole life, I thought I would either see or walk into this much huge mansion, Ashton mansion was Huge than Seth's mansion.

"Let's go," Ashton said removing his seat belt and exiting the door. I nodded and exited the door and went and stood beside Ashton.

"I never knew you're this fucking rich, for God sake, you're living in a mansion" I exclaimed and flung my arms in his.

He chuckled "Now you know right?" He said and I grinned nodding my head towards him.

"Let's go, I want to see your house from inside to see how enormous it looks" I was now jumping in the air.

"Calm down, Jumping monkey. Let's go I'll give you a tour of my house later" He said stopping me to jump.

"And remember we came here for treating my injury," he said indicating his mouth to show his injury.

"Ohh yeah," I whispered and sent him a sheepish smile. He just shook his head, slung his arm around my shoulder and we moved forward.

He pressed the doorbell, it was opened by a maid who greeted Ashton, he greeted and she sent me a warm smile which I sent her in return. We made it to the hall, there was a huge chandelier hanging in the hall, the house was full of lights, many rooms on each level.

A lady was sitting in the hallway, I guess Ashton mom " Hey Mom" Ashton said her, she looked upwards and I knew how Ashton was this handsome cause goddamn she was looking like a goddess, so beautiful, elegant and classic.

"Hi honey, you're early. Don't tell me u skipped school" Ashton mom said with her sweet voice which sounding like a melody.

"No mom, I didn't" Ashton whined like a child and I laughed at him.

"Who's this son," She asked Ashton, While he looked over to me and beckoned me to come over.

"Hello, Mrs Miller. I am Michelle Collins, a pleasure to meet you" I moved forward and said to her.

"Hello, Darling. It's Ava dear. Don't make me sound old by calling that" she said smiling "come over have a seat both of you" we both then sat on the sofa in the hall.

"Hope this doesn't sound fake, truth is your looking like an Ashton sister, Ava," I said her beaming with a smile, Ashton beside me snorted to that.

She Chuckled " Not at all dear, many people may have said that to me, you too look beautiful dear, feel yourself like home," she said with a smile. Thought Ava would mom who will be like the one who will be rude or show her wealthy nature, she's quite opposite to that and I am already loving his mom.

"What would you guys like to ha-" she abruptly stopped when she noticed Ashton's injury." What happened to your face, whom did you fight with again Ashton," she said

"It's okay, mom," Ashton said sighing.

"Yeah, Ava. don't worry, just first aid is all that we need "I assured her.

" Okay, I will send it in your room, Baby," she said and I laughed aloud at the nickname she used.

"Mom, Not in front of my friend," he said with a long face, then glared at me "and if you laugh again, you are courting a death wish" I looked towards Ava, who was also looking at me. We both laughed out loud seeing us, Ashton made a pout.

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