Chapter 12

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Michelle Pov:

After reaching near the bar, where my friends were sitting. They all cast me a concerned look towards me, the drinks were placed in front of me, I took a shot of martini. I was much better to know after I sobbed my hearts off.

I sighed, looking towards them " guys now I am fine, Don't worry" I said to them smiling.

" but Elle what happened, you were just fine while you were dancing," Rachel said.

"Guess you all were right about Ashton," I said while My eyes brimming with fresh tears but I bit them back, as I recalled the moment Ashton fucking a girl.

" what that guy did Elle, I swear to God I am going to beat his balls for making my friend cry," bree said as she was furious.

I laughed out while still tears rolling down my cheeks" he" now I was sobbing
"He didn't do anything bree, he doesn't even know that I love him, what you think he can do to me, he was just fucking some girl who I don't even know"

"It hurts bree when you see the person you love making love towards someone and damn the pain is unbearable," I said while hugging bree, who also hugged me tightly.

"You have to confess to him that you love him, Elle, otherwise he would never know babe," Livvy said keeping her expression blank.

"What, after seeing him already fucking someone right after I kissed him, do you still want me to confess my love towards for him to straight out reject me," I said showing myself, I must have become crazy cause now I was laughing out loud and my friends giving me the doubtful looks.

" Do you even look at my face" I showed them the reflection of my face which was reflecting through the bar crystal." He going to fall for this look when he has all the beautiful girls ready to be with him" I said.

"You look beautiful Elle, it just that you are not accepting the truth, that you're beautiful," Rachel said sighing.

"I am accepting the truth, I am not beautiful" I snorted and told them. They all shook their heads and their faces showing defeat that they can argue with me.

" Guys let's go home, I am really tired," I said they all nodded their heads, Livvy was not drunk so she was our ride home. We said, Seth that we are going we waved goodbye to him and left. I gave up searching for Ashton, cause maybe he was still busy fucking her.

As soon I slept on the bed my mind was still recalling the moment of that girl and Ashton, Livvy telling me to confess to him, and the Guy Jason who gave me comfort at the time I was crying, he was a nice person, I would like to be his friend in future if ever we meet.

I woke up from my sleep with a very bad hangover, My head was pounding with pain. I somehow entered my washroom and took my medical box which had aspirin, I took my medicine and started washing up myself and got ready. I went downstairs to have my breakfast.

"Good morning to you both," I said and sat to have my breakfast.

" Morning Michelle had fun last at the party," mom asked giving me a stern look, I groaned internally mom never liked me partying, yeah she gives me the freedom to do anything because she trusts me a lot and only hopes that I don't break her trust by doing any bad doings.

"It's was fine mom," I said to her and was taking a bite from my brother's place but didn't cause he swatted my hand away before it reaches his plate.

I glared at him" it was just a bite jackky" I said to him in his nickname which I called him whenever I'm pissed.

He glared back at me" so what, it was from my plate, ask mom she will you give your breakfast" he said.

" Ohh shush you both, here take this and eat Michelle, and stop glaring at your brother, he is elder to you," mom said.

" of course support him," I said to a mom and looked towards jack who had a proud smile on his face.

"Why can't you give her a bite jack" now mom turned towards him and gave her the stern look and said." Share it with sister" now my smile turned proudly while he glares at me.

"Yeah bro, sharing is caring, see you can take mine if you want," I said with a smile and shoved him my plate, but my eyes said ' don't you dare take a bite".

He saw the look and said " No thanks, I am full" " Learn from sister jack" mom said. He snorted and made his way towards muttering something under his breath. I shrugged and devoured my breakfast, I was very hungry.

" Michelle you can go to your cousin's place, as it is a vacation for you from school," mom said as now I was sitting and watching some random shows on tv.

"Hmm...okay," I said, yeah I needed a break right now, and anytime soon I don't want to see Ashton right now. Maybe I'll go there and maybe forget about him, the school will be starting in ten days anyhow. Let's see how can I manage to avoid him that time. yeah, I am planning to avoid him, let's hope after school I'll be successful in avoiding him. But I still in the first year of school, there are more than two years for our graduation, I will see him a lot in those years, can I control my emotions when I see him, the answer will always be NO.

Being with friends and having fun with them will always give you a thrilling experience, it makes me want to do all the fun together with them, the way people look me and my friends some evil looks but most of them give us their friendly looks towards us Cause if any girl is bullying them they would come and seek us for help and we would gladly do it. Sure I am not the girl who's all good, I am not a good girl and I know that and I am not proud of myself for being a badass but in high school if we were to survive being good is not an option. Specifically where girls enemies are the girls. No offence I am not telling about every girl but there are some bitches who want people to do what they want. I am strong and never let people break me.

But being with Ashton he is the only boy who can make the Strong me into Week me. Being with him brings me all-new kind of emotions, emotions which I kinda never felt with anyone, he can make me cry, where it is really difficult for me to cry cause I don't like tears falling from my eyes, those all are worthless for my tears but the tears I cry for him, the love I have loved him, the way my body reacts to touch, the way my heart races whenever he looks towards me with his honey-coloured eyes, the way he kissed me and took my first kiss, the way I felt sparks, electricity throughout my body only was a mere kiss it was so overwhelming, and not to forget the pain I felt in my heart for him to see fucking someone, I don't know but I feel Ashton is worth everything I feel from him even if it's pain Cause from the beginning of this love I know that my heart will break.
I don't know whether I am going to pursue my love or I am just going to avoid this whole.

I felt someone hit my head, snapping me from my thoughts" Are you sure okay" mom asked,

" yeah mom, I am fine, I am going to pack, and I'll go by myself with the car, so don't worry," I said and left upstairs towards my room to pack my bag.

I honestly loved going to my cousin place, she was married and have very two cute little guys who I love to death, even they would love to see me, I smiled thinking my two nephews and relieved being with them I'll forget everything and maybe enjoy the time I spend with them.
Thank you for reading!!!

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 Love After LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora