Chapter 13

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Michelle Pov

The next day I packed my bags, was all set to go to my cousin's place which only a one hour drive away from the place where I live. I already told them that I was coming to spend my holidays there, they were more than happy for me to spend time with them. I already notified my friends that I'll be gone on vacation.

I drove and after one and a half hour, I reached my cousin's place. why I was late because the goddamn traffic was heavy while I was driving. I drove through the passageway and parked my car, took my bag from the backseat, exited my car door and made my way to the door. Rang the bell, the door opened revealing my smiling sister.

"Heyyyy" she squealing hugged me, I hugged her back with the same energy.

"Come on in, I was waiting for you but more than me, the boys are waiting for their aunt," she said, on the cue, the boys came from running from inside.

"Heyy millie," they said, running towards me.

I got towards their level, hugged them" hey my darlings, how are you doing? " I said.

" We are good, now that you came, we will be great, you came to play with us right? Millie" Ethan my 3-year-old nephew said, while Evan my 2-year-old nephew nodded his head.

"Aww, my babies of course aunt is here to play with u," I said and sat down on the couch. I told them they can me aunt cause I would love them to call me aunt but Rebecca told them not to and call millie. It makes me feel proud to be the aunt of my handsome nephews.

"Yayy, mama millie is here to play with us," Ethan said dancing around. I smiled hearing the nickname he used for me.

"Yeah, so the monster is coming, go run" that I ran towards the boys making monster voices. Ethan ran yelling and laughing, Evan still can't pronounce that much so he was just laughing and running as I went near and he hides behind his mom.

I already saw Evan hiding behind his mom, who was busy making lunch for us, I pretended not to see him and entered the kitchen.

"Hey sis, did you see Evan, I am not able to find him, seriously this boy Evan is a very bad boy," I said and signalled my sis to keep quiet and she understood and played along.

" Evan no he's not here, maybe he's hiding somewhere else, but not here," sis said and we heard a laugh and I knew it was Evan. Slowly I went behind him, tapped his shoulder," Caught you" I said squealing. Hearing my voice Evan cry out loudly" Mama" he said and ran outside, I went and picked him up and said" Now the monster is going to tickle you" with that I started to tickle in the stomach he started laughing out loud, after some time I went in search of Ethan who was hidden in the playroom.

"Ethan, I know you are here. Come out or the monster will tickle you also a lot" I said as I came into the room. I heard some commotion near the Teddy's where they were kept and knew Ethan was hiding there.

"Ethan, I saw you, now aunt is coming to tickle you, be careful" with that I ran towards the teddy and removed and 3 years old boy who started screaming" No Millie"

"Yes Ethan," I said and started tickling him.

"No, no stop Millie, please," Ethan said laughing, along with him I was laughing, soon. Evan also joined us after some time I was playing with them, as My sis Rebecca was still preparing lunch for us.

Soon sis called us for lunch, while I picked Evan up and let Ethan hold my hand and we made our way towards the dining table. I made Evan sit on his baby seat and Ethan on my lap as I was feeding him. Whenever I come here, I take care of the babies even bathing them or feeding them, so even change diapers. I love them a lot that, I don't care about those all things, I'm not even embarrassed or hesitate to change diapers of my darlings, but yeah I am hesitant towards changing Evan diapers Cause the smell of his poop would be very bad, and it would spread very quickly that even, outside the room we can smell his stinky poop smell.

I fed Ethan, while Rebecca fed Evan. After we had our lunch we made our way towards the couch and I relaxed on it while Ethan was lying beside, Evan on his mother's lap. The doorbell rang indicating that my sister husband Josh is home. Josh is a gym trainer, he trains all the fighter for a fight so you could also guess that I  also trained from him, yeah I can fight but I'm not interested in those fighting, it was just for my self-defence, I trained he trained me. Whenever I come here, I also get taught more fighting skills by Josh. He comes home for lunch and gets some rest and eventually will go back to the gym and return every late to home. I went to his gym many times as I'm used to practising in the gym.

"Oh hey Elle, you here, Good to see you," Josh said as soon as he sighted me sitting on the couch with Ethan lying and watching Youtube.

"Hi, Josh, good to see you too," I said, we spoke for some time about what's going on, he played with Ethan and after lunch and he took some sleep. I took Ethan for a nap and tucked him in bed, after confirming Ethan slept, I left to do help Rebecca do the dishes.

"So Elle, anything interesting going on in your life,?" Rebecca inquired.

I sighed " Nothing, It's all good," I said. It's not that I don't want to say to her it's just that I don't want to talk about it, I came here to get rid of all those things from my mind, and seeing my babies I am very happy.

After Josh waking up from his sleep he came towards me and asked me to come with him and practice some method of the fight, but I refused to go cause I still wanted to play with Ethan and Evan, after them waking up, I'll play with them, so I told him from tomorrow I'm coming to practise with him. he agreed and left.

As I was watching something on tv, I heard Evan crying, I ran towards him, picked him up and went to the kitchen to boil milk for him, Rebecca was in Ethan room taking a nap with him, after boiling milk and checking the temperature of the milk I gave it to Evan, who immediately sucked, I chuckled 'poor baby was hungry and your mom is sleeping without a care in the world'.

I went towards my room with Evan held him in my arms, after Evan drinking milk, made him burp and after some time he dozed of to sleep, made him sleep on my bed and gently pulled a comforter on him, I laid beside him tapping his shoulder and dozed off to in deep slumber.

In the evening after we all woke up, we got ready and went to a nearby park, played with my boys in the park, after getting tired from playing, we all lead to our home.

After coming home, we all sat and were just chilling, when the smell of stinky poop entered my nose and instincts I covered my nose.

"Yuck, Evan your poop still smells a lot," I said to him and he was laughing innocently. I can't do anything now, the smile he sent me, melted my heart.

"Come on, you stinky boy. Let's get you cleaned". I said to Evan and took him to the washroom to wash him. As Rebecca now was busy preparing dinner, she just the typical housewife. Who only thinks about what food should I prepare, she's usually all alone and taking care of two very naughty children get you tired very easily. whenever I come here I do as much work as I can do, not to tire her so much by doing my work.

After washing Evan, I bathed him, changed his clothes and made him sit in the playroom to play and left with Ethan to bathe him.

After dinner, I and Ethan started dancing by playing rhymes, Ethan favourite songs were' baby shark' and ' finger family '. Evan also joined us, while Rebecca sat on the couch and was watching us dance.
At night Ethan and Evan both insisted on sleeping with me, to which I happily agreed, they both soon went off in deep slumber and even started to snore which was cute, seeing them I also slept with a happy smile on my face.

Thank you for reading!!!

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