Mini Story: Memories White as Snow (Mc has Amnesia?!)

Start from the beginning

"Yes." Said Lucifer.

"Can you tell us what happened when you last remembered something?" Asked Satan.

You began to think. "Well...I opened my eyes and I was in that snowy forest. Behind me was a man with white hair and he gave me a threatening glare. He was holding a knife and a magic wand." You explained.

"Magic wand..." said Asmo silently.

"I made a run for it, but he started chasing me and must have tried to blast me with his magic. But then, he threw a knife into my shoulder, causing me to collapse in pain."

"Is that all?" Asked Belphie.

"Before I blacked out, he said that I failed as his apprentice and he had no use for me." You added.

"So that man who attacked you...that was Solomon?!" Gasped Asmo.

"Who's Solomon?" You asked.

"He's a very powerful sorcerer from your world." Said Lucifer, "He decided to make you his apprentice after you managed to control your magic powers."

But what did you do to fail to be his apprentice? And why can't you remember anything up until that moment you opened your eyes? There were zillions of questions buzzing in your head. "So until the time comes, you'll be staying here to keep you safe." Said Lucifer, "Hopefully this place can jog your memory."

[Time skip]

For days, you stayed at the House of Lamentation and the bros did their best to try to jog your memory. Yet, nothing was familiar to you. Snow was beginning to fall outside. It was beautiful, but it gave you PTSD as you remembered that day. You continued to bond with the brothers, yet Lucifer was very busy with Diavolo trying to track down Solomon, so you didn't spend much time with Lucifer. When he comes home, you'd give him some comfort as well as a cup of coffee. He'd always tell you, "Don't worry, we're almost there."

[Two weeks later]

Your shoulder healed up, yet a scar reminding you of the incident remained. You were about to get ready for bed, but the main entrance door opened up, letting in a cold wind. In that cloud of wind was the same figure you encountered that day. "I finally found you." He said.

"Solomon?" You asked nervously, "Is that who you are?"

It was indeed him. "I've come to finish what I started that day." He said.

Once again, he held his magic wand and his knife. "Guys! Help me!" You screamed.

From different directions, the bros came flooding in. "Solomon!" Shouted Lucifer angrily.

"I knew that you and Diavolo were trying to track me down, but I assure you, you never would have found me even if you tried." Said Solomon.

"What did you do to (y/n), Solomon?" Asked Asmo angrily.

"I wiped her memories." He said, "However, I only meant to take her memories of being my apprentice. I didn't expect to take all of her memories starting from when she first started remembering. Yet taking her memories of the Devildom may also be proven useful since she can't remember any magic. Therefore, making her powerless against me."

"You mentioned I failed as your apprentice." You said, "What did I do to fail?"

"I actually take back what I said." Said Solomon, "You've surpassed me in a way unimaginable. However, the human world isn't big enough for the two of us."

"What exactly did you do with her memories?" Asked Mammon.

Solomon pulled out a crystal orb in his robes. It was shining pink and purple, and your eyes fixed onto it. "I have them right here." He said, "Make one move, and I'll smash it, obliterating her memories forever."

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