Chapter 13- project

Start from the beginning

'You can always talk to me.' Winter said

'Well... I have nothing was to do' I said

'KK so how are the others?' Asked Winter

'They're doing great! Actually they found there mates!' I said to her

'I know Summer told me! She said her mate was so hot.. But then I said mine was hotter and then we got into a fight' She explained

'Of course you guys would fight over that' I said

'Well tell me who's hotter? Our mate or Summers?' She asked

'Of course I would say our mate is hotter than Sapphire's mate' I said

'Pffffft of course we would because it's the truth' She explained

'Anyways how are Summer, Autumm, and Spring?' I asked

'Well Summer is doing great, Spring is getting all nerdy on me when I ask so I don't know, and Autumn is trying to control himself from Uh.. Doing 'it' with his mate' She told me while shuddering when she said 'Autumn'

'Let me guess.. You caught them 'pleasuring' themselves' I said

'Yep it was disgusting hearing Chance's moans' She said

''Is he the only one?' I asked

'Well I have heard Spring saying she might just start doing it if she doesn't Uh... Make love to her mate' She said

'Well I have seen Spring trying to take control when Josh is around but Violet holds her back' I said back

'Hey didn't you say today was Violets appointment' she reminded me

'Oh yeah! Crap I have to go bye-bye' I said

'Bye-bye' she said before I cut off the link

I walked up to the guys and took Violets arm. "The appointment we gotta go." I whispered in her ear. She looked at me and nodded.

'C'mon guys we need to go to the hospital for Violets appointment' I said through mind-link.

'KK' Said Sapphire

'Ok' Said Chance

I held the child closer and noticed I couldn't have a fake child at the hospital. "Hey where's Xavier?" I asked Allison. "Oh he's in his car." She answered. I nodded and walked up to the same car that Allison used to drive us to the mall.

I looked inside and saw Xavier looking through his phone. I knocked on Te window which scared Xavier because he flinched and his phone fell out of his hands.

I tried not to giggle but I failed. Xavier picked up his phone and looked at me. I motioned for him to roll down the window and he did. "Hey." He said. "Hey I was wondering if you could take the baby today because I got to go to the hospital." I explained. His expression went from happy to worried. "Why do you need to go to the hospital?" He asked a little worried. "Well because Violet has an appointment." I answered.

"Oh thank god." he said with a sigh of relief. "Anyways here." I said while handing the fake child to him. When he grabbed the fake child he slightly grazed my arm which sent the shocks and tingles that I love.

"Thanks." I said as I ran off to Violet. We walked over to our home. I went to my room and decided to change. I went to my closet and picked out a pair of purple lacy undergarments, a black tank top with the word 'Love' written in gold, glittery letters, some ripped up short shorts, and black converse. After I changed I went to the bathroom and took off my contacts.

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