Quinn's Trial

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VERY explicit mention of death

It was nearly the middle of December when Quinn Parkinson had been found. She was required to show up at the Ministry, along with Melody, Leo, and Cedric to testify against her. As of now, Leo, Cedric, and Melody were waiting for her at the Ministry.

"If Quinn Graycelnn Parkinson is not here in five minutes, by default, she is to go to Azkaban," Cornelius announced.

"I can't wait to confront that bitch," Cedric grumbled.

If anyone deserved to see Quinn behind bars, it was Cedric. About four minutes later, Quinn still hadn't shown up. Cornelius Fudge was about to announce that Quinn had lost when she burst through the doors.

"Wait! I'm here!" shouted Quinn. On the side of her was Graceylnn Parkinson, her mother, who looked as if she couldn't care less.

Graycelnn walked in front of her with an eye roll. "Quinn decided to visit her ashram in Mexico."

"Let's get started then," Cornelius announced. "Defendant, you are being accused of the following: harboring a fugitive, kidnapping, and torture, and potentially killing. Do you deny the following accusations?"

Quinn dramatically stood up and happily sighed. "No. I'm guilty."

Cedric whipped his head to her. "Just that easy?"

"My ashram says to be cleansed of our sins, we have to accept and serve for what we've done. And going to Azkaban is what I deserve." She carelessly sat back down.

Graycelnn scoffed. "You send your daughter to get help and she comes back a saint. Great."

"I request the maximum sentence," Quinn requested in a dreamy voice.

"What the hell?" Leo said confusedly. "What kind of idiot are you?"

"I'm not an idiot, I'm being cleansed." She threw her hands in the air.

"Lady, you're still going to hell like the rest of us in this room. There's no such thing as redemption," Leo replied. "Believe me, I would know," he mumbled.

"That's because you don't believe," she said in a dreamy tone.

Cedric started laughing. "For one, I don't buy this whole namaste act."

"That's because you haven't tried, Cedric. I realize that what I did was wrong and I accepted that, but have you?" Quinn asked.

"Quinn, I didn't throw myself in a jail cell for over a year, starve, and torture myself. That was all you and Bellatrix," Cedric said as he stood up angrily.

"And I know that," she replied calmly. "I accepted and forgave myself."

"You forgave yourself for torturing someone?" Cedric remarked in disbelief. "If I don't leave this courtroom right now, I will kill her. That's a promise."

"Mister Diggory, you are free to leave," The Minister told him. Cedric stormed out of the courtroom. "Mrs. Parkinson, as Quinn's lawyer, only you can decide if she rests," Cornelius said to her.

"My idiot of a daughter decided to admit to her crimes, so yes, your honor, she rests." The room swarmed with Azkaban guards and arrested Quinn. "Wait, your honor, you never told us her maximum sentence!"

"Life." Cornelius banged his hammer on the table.

Graycelnn rolled her eyes. "That sucks for her." She slung her luxury purse over her shoulder and walked out of the courtroom.

"I'm finally free!" Quinn shouted before being hauled out of the courtroom.

"She knows she's going to Azkaban for life, right? Why the hell does she think she's gonna be free in Azkaban?" Leo asked.

"I've got no clue," Melody replied. "I need to talk to Cedric." She moved past Leo and stepped out of the courtroom. She looked through the hall and couldn't find him so she checked the next hall and saw him sitting down with his knees to his chest. She sat next to him.

"I've never felt this rage before, Melody," Cedric suddenly said.

"What do you mean?"

"I literally want to strangle her," he said slowly. "Watch the air leave her lungs," he whispered. Cedric chuckled, "I guess I've got the killer gene."

"You are not a murderer," she said strictly.

"Anyone's capable."

"She's going to Azkaban. For life. You will never be in that cell again. I promise."

"I know I won't. Thanks to mum," he smiled weakly.

"Thanks to mom," she repeated.

He sighed. "I'd rather not talk about strangling my ex-girlfriend."

"Let's not talk about ex's and get to our current boyfriend and girlfriend." They both got up and left the hall.


Once they made it back, they met with Malia and Harry. Cedric explained how Quinn confessed and how Graycelnn didn't have a care in the world. Melody then said that Quinn had gone soft because of her ashram.

"That's something I never that I'd hear," Harry said with his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, anyway, let's go." Cedric put his arm around Malia before walking out.

"How's Cedric?" Harry asked after he left.

"He'll be okay," Melody sighed.

"Professor Slughorn wants me to meet him for some reason, I assume it's that Christmas party I was talking about. You wanna come?"

"He invited me too. I didn't plan on showing up, but I'll tag along."

The two intertwined hands and walked to the Potion's classroom. When they entered, they saw Theo, along with Hermione and others.

"I am so delighted that you all could make it," said Slughorn. "I'm sure word has already gotten out, but I am hosting a Christmas party. Every single one of you is invited. Bring a plus one if you'd like."

"Could I bring multiple plus ones?" asked Theo. "I have quite a few ladies to please..."

"Only one date, Mister Nott."

"You're no fun," Theo groaned as he walked out of the classroom.


Besties I only have a few more surprises up my sleeve 😞

This is officially the 91st chapter
Just a few more to go...

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