Unexpected Suprise Part: 1

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The morning after the Yule Ball, Harry was woken by Ron throwing a pillow at him. Harry groaned and asked why Ron was up so early-Harry had always woken up earlier than Ron; usually, he'd wake up Ron.

"Never mind that. Ginny told me that you and Melody..." Ron trailed off and began wiggling his eyebrows.

Harry tilted his head and bit his tongue to make sure it was real and that he'd really just had sex for the first time. "Ginny has such a fat mouth," he groaned. Harry used the pillow Ron threw to cover his face.

"Anyway, Hedwig brought a letter back from Sirius and your dad."

"Can you just read it aloud? I don't have the energy to read it myself."

"Sure." Ron tore the paper from the envelope and began reading.

Harry! We have a deal! So... how was it?

Harry could just see his father smirking while writing the letter.

Most importantly, how were YOU. How did you slide-

"OKAY, STOP!" Harry's muffled voice shouted.

"So, I take it you'll want to read this privately. Also, the others are already downstairs waiting for you. We're about to open presents. So hurry up and get dressed!" Ron instructed. "Although I think Melody would prefer you without clothes."

"Oh, fuck off!" Harry shouted.

"Wrong choice of words, mate," he laughed. "I'm sure Melody would love to-"

"Ron..." Harry said in a low, threatening voice.

"Fine, I'm leaving!" Ron swatted his hands in front of him and quickly ran out of the room.

Meanwhile, in the common room...

"So, you and Harry really-" Dean began.

"Ginny, did you really have to tell everyone?" Melody pouted. Ginny sent her an apologetic look and mouthed sorry.

A few minutes later, Harry came into the common room. Everyone looked in his direction knowingly, to which Harry replied with a slight frown. "Ginny told everyone?"

"Yep," Seamus replied. "Look, we won't talk about it the rest of the day."

"Tell me all the details," Haylee said, mimicking Siruis's reaction. Harry sent Haylee a glare.

"Anyway, let's pass each other our presents," Hermione changed the subject.

There were eight people in the group, so everyone had received approximately seven gifts from one another. Once they were done passing out presents, Ginny urged Haylee to open her gift.

Haylee ripped the wrapping paper off the package and opened the box. She pulled out a piece of clothing and held it up to reveal lingerie. Haylee quickly put it down, and her mouth hung open, which Ginny returned with a wink.

"Looks like I'm not the only one taking the next step in my relationship," Harry whispered in Haylee's ear. "Tell me all the details," Harry said, mimicking Haylee.

"Oh, shut up." Haylee shoved him playfully. "Okay, Harry, open mine next."

Harry opened the box and pulled out a photo frame. When he saw what the photo was, he quickly held it against his chest so no one could see.

"That's not a nude photo, is it?" Melody asked.

"Of course not, Melody," Haylee assured. "It's a photo from when we bungee-jumped this summer. Harry's face was-"

"We do not talk about it!" Harry interrupted.

"I made copies," Haylee taunted. "Also, my dad sent you something, but you probably want to open it privately."

Spoiler alert: Condoms. Sirius bought him condoms. James was close to doing the same, but Lily stopped him.

Everyone else exchanged gifts. Ron ended up getting candy from everyone, which he was pleased about. Though, Harry had one last gift for Melody, which he'll soon regret.

Everyone went back up to their dorms except Ron, Harry, and Melody. Melody was lying on her back with her head in Harry's lap while Ron was sitting on the floor eating his candy.

"Have you heard from Elijah?" Ron said with his mouth full. "Or did he go home for break?"

"No, he's with Daphne. I told him to spend Christmas with her. He'll maybe come around later."

"He really likes Daphne, huh?" Harry said, twirling his finger on a strand of Melody's hair.


"You know, at the beginning of the year, I thought you and Elijah liked each other," he laughed.

"Gee, we didn't know," Ron said sarcastically.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You complained about him for weeks until we finally got it through your thick head that Elijah and Melody do not fancy each other," said Ron.

"That is not why I didn't like Elijah!" Harry objected. "I kinda thought he was cute," he said lowly, and a smile appeared on his face.

"You have a strange way of showing it," Melody laughed. "You stunned the guy!"

Harry laughed. "I was going for an enemies to lovers type of thing," he joked.

"Those are only in books! And usually, they're sexy!" She claimed.

"Are you saying I'm not sexy?" Harry gasped and put a hand over his heart dramatically.

"Okay, that's my cue to leave," Ron sighed. He packed up his things and went back to his dorm.

"And for the record; totally sexy," she smirked. Harry smirked and leaned down to place a kiss on her lips.

"I have the best news ever!" Elijah announced, walking into the common room. Harry turned around to see Elijah with a massive grin on his face

"I bet," said Harry. "Your tie," he whispered and motioned to his chest.

Melody sat up to see what he was talking about. Elijah looked down to see he had a green tie on instead of a yellow tie. Melody and Harry grew into a pit of laughter and began teasing him.

"Shit," he muttered. "I'll be back-Have to give Daphne her tie back!" Elijah then hastily moved out of the common room.

"Speaking of ties, yours is loose," Melody inspected.

"How do you know that's not on purpose," he smirked.

"You are very bold."

"And you love it." Harry laughed before pulling Melody back down to rest her head on his chest. What they didn't know-Haylee snapped a picture of them in each other's arms.


I decided to split this up into two parts because I thought this chapter was long enough, so yuh

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