Get Out of My Head

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It's finally the last class of today; Transfiguration which Melody shared with Harry, which would be good some days, today not being one of them. Melody walked into the classroom and took her normal spot next to Hermione, who was a lot happier than usual. Good for her.

The whole classroom was talking loudly until McGonagall began the lesson. Melody managed to zone out most of the lesson, due to Hermione raising her hand the whole time. She'd caught Harry looking her way a few times during the lesson but she ignored him.

"You are dismissed!" McGonagall finally announced.

Everyone gathered their things and left quickly. Melody walked through many corridors until reaching the Gryffindor tower, after saying the password, she walked in and saw Hermione and Harry bickering about something.

"Why won't you tell me why Cho broke up with you! Oh look, here's Melody maybe she knows," Melody heard Hermione shout. "Melody, do you know why Cho broke up with Harry?" Hermione said turning towards her.

"I may have an idea," Melody mumbled.

"Well, what is it? I've been trying to get Harry to tell me for a while!" She exclaimed.

"I'm sure he'll enlighten you when he's ready." Melody walked back outside, now not wanting to go to her dorm.

"Melody, wait!"

Melody shut her eyes tightly in annoyance before turning around. "Yes?"

"Yes, Cho broke up with me," he admitted.

"So I've heard..."

"I know, and I feel like an ass," he sighed. "And I regret it. And I'm sorry, I'm really fucking sorry."

"Thank you for a real apology. I'm gonna go apologize to Cho. Catch you later."

Melody rushed to Ravenclaw tower but stopped at the door when a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle said a riddle to her that she had no clue of the answer to. Suddenly, Luna answered the riddle for her. Melody quickly thanked her and walked in. Cho immediately met her eye-line and she began to walk my way.

"Can I explain?"

"Go ahead, everyone deserves a voice," she said sweetly.

"I just wanted to apologize. I didn't kiss Harry back if that helps?" Melody said in more of a questioning manner

"I know, Harry told me. I don't blame you, it's not your fault Harry's an ass. If you ask me, both of us could do a lot better," she whispered the last part. "And that's not the only reason I broke up with Harry."

Melody furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh?"

"He's in love with you, Melody. I believe he has been for a long time," she smiled. "I'd feel sorry for myself if I let myself stay together with him whilst he's in love with you, it would be selfish."

"Thank you for not blaming me, and I hope you find someone," Melody smiled genuinely.


Melody was currently in The Great Hall eating breakfast with Quinn, Seamus, and Dean who were friends with Quinn, they're quite funny. Melody was finishing up with her breakfast when her least favorite Slytherin approached her.

"Cedric's sister, right?" Draco asked.

"My name is Melody," she informed him.

"Yeah, whatever. Words out that you snogged Harry while he and Cho were together, people are calling you a homewrecker, by people I mean me," he ignorantly laughed.

"I did not snog him!" I exclaim causing everyone's head to turn towards me. "Sorry."

"Really? Then why did I overhear Ron say you did?" He scoffed.

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