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Harry, Ron, and Hermione were now in the common room talking about the recently announced ball.

"Do you all have anyone in mind for the Yule Ball?" Asked Hermione.

"I want to ask Melody, but I'm sure Elijah already beat me to it," Harry answered.

"They just announced the Yule Ball yesterday. I doubt he has asked her," Hermione said thoughtfully. "And, I don't think either Melody or Elijah see each other that way."

Ron shrugged and said, "I haven't really thought about it." Which was a lie. "What about you, Hermione?"

"I have someone in mind."

Harry raised a suggestive eyebrow and pointed his head towards Ron, who was not paying attention anymore. Hermione nodded.
Suddenly Haylee tread into the common room with an unmissable poster.

"Uh, Haylee, what is this?" Harry asked.

"Hold on." Haylee tried to pick up the other half of the poster but failed. After seeing her struggle for a few seconds, Harry eventually came over and helped.

"So, what does the poster say?"

"Well, I'm asking Ginny to the Yule Ball, and I've never really done this before, so I thought, go big or go home," she shrugged.
"Thanks for your help."

"Sure. How do you plan on Ginny knowing you're here?" Harry chuckled. He knew she did not think this through.

"I did not plan," she laughed. "Hermione!" Haylee called. "Could you get Ginny to come down?"

She laughed, "Sure." Hermione climbed up the steps and called for Ginny. Ginny came down the stairs with an annoyed expression since Hermione interrupted her reading. Her annoyed expression quickly filled with excitement when she saw Haylee.

"Yes!" Ginny shouted. The poster fell when Haylee and Ginny ran into a kiss. Everyone in the room applauded the couple.

If only it were that easy for Harry.

"Working hard is important," said Harry. "But there's something that matters even more, believing in yourself."

The regular DADA meeting was taking place. Melody hadn't been seen all day, and she decided she wasn't needed at their secret meetings. Umbridge, Draco, and his minions (+ Filtch) were growing more and more suspicious of the meetings taking place. Haylee hadn't talked to Draco as much as she wished, only because he was a vast Umbridge enthusiast.

"Reducto!" Ginny shouted. The dummy turned into dust.

"Did I mention she's my girlfriend?" Haylee said proudly.

"Yes, for the 80th time today," Ginny laughed.

More spells were shot around for the remainder of class until Harry announced the meeting was over.

"Now, we're not going to be meeting again until after the holidays, so just keep practicing on your own the best you can. And well done, everyone, great work!" Harry exclaimed.

Everyone filed out of the room. Harry looked around for Melody, but she was nowhere in sight. As his eyes roamed the room, his views landed on Cho Chang. He saw her looking upon a photo of Cedric. He reluctantly walked over to her.

"Are you alright? I heard Umbridge gave you a rough time the other day."

To inform you: this conversation was very awkward for Harry, considering what happened last year.

I'll Still Love You Tomorrow | Harry J. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now