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Melody got back from her detention. She decided to go to the library to do some homework. When Melody walked in, she saw Elijah sitting alone, so she thought she would give him some company. She sat in the chair next to him with a sigh.

"Another detention with Umbitch?" Questioned Elijah.

"Yep," Melody said. "Malfoy and his minions are still camping out at the RoR for Umbridge. What do they see in her?"

"Honestly, I don't know," he replied. "Don't look now, but Harry and his friends are looking and whispering." Melody turned around, and sure enough, they were looking at her. The trio turned back around after Melody caught them. "I said don't look now!" Elijah whisper-shouted.

"Sorry!" She whisper-shouted back. "Should I just go over to them?"

"Definitely not." He shook his head. Harry started waving her over.

"See, they're waving me over," said Melody. She walked over to their table and sat down on the space next to Hermione.

"Hey, I've meant to ask how you are with Cedric's death..." said Ron.

"Strange that you ask nearly a year later, but I'm fine." The trio exchanged nervous looks.

"And how did you cope with his death?" Asked Hermione. She had parchment and a pen as if she was writing this down.

"I'd have to get back to you on that one, and are you writing this down?"

She muttered an apology and put the parchment away. "But what do you mean?"

"Sorry, I'd rather not relive my brothers' death." Melody flashed a fake smile before leaving the library. Hermione and Ron looked at Harry expectedly. Eventually, Harry got the hint and chased after her.

When Melody wasn't outside the library, he decided to look in the girls' restroom since it was close by. When he entered the bathroom, Melody gripped the sink tightly as if she were trying to leave dents. Her nostrils flared, and her eyes were shut tightly. Harry looked at her from the reflection in the mirror.

"Melody?" Harry whispered softly. Melody turned around and softened her grip on the sink. Her eyes opened to reveal Harry. "Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.

"No offense, Harry, but I have a pounding headache, and I just can't-" her voice cracked, so she cut herself off.

Harry's gaze fixated on her wrist. The carving ran deeper than before. This wasn't just Umbridge's doing; it was her own. Melody followed Harry's gaze and pulled her sleeve down. "Melody..."

"I'm fine. Just a scratch."

"That is not just a scratch." Harry walked over to Melody slowly. He pulled her sleeve up to reveal the scratch.

"Are you using healing spells for this?" He asked.


"Why not?"

"Because I deserve it," she said quietly. Melody abruptly pulled down her sleeve and turned back around.

Instead of objecting, he said, "Do you want me to leave?"

Melody nodded her head. Harry was about to leave before she stopped him. "Harry, I'm really trying. I'm sorry." The tears threatened to spill, but she kept it together for him. Because she knew he didn't deserve this.

Harry nodded his head and left. Harry wandered back into the library. Shortly after Harry left, Melody strolled back into her dorm.

When she entered the dorm, she saw the box that Quinn left under her bed. The package contains a bottle of alcohol in it. Quinn kept it for whenever they graduated, and now, Melody just can't see the finish line. She hesitantly opened the box and pulled out the bottle.

Melody had never drank before, so this was a first. She reluctantly put the bottle to her lips and swallowed. The unfamiliar sting that went down her throat felt good, better than she had felt in a while. For the first time in what seemed like years, she wasn't thinking about what she had done. Instead, she was thinking about nothing. Absolutely nothing.

A short while later, Hermione trudged into the dorm to see Melody drunk and half-naked. Hermione quickly threw a blanket over the drunk girl and rushed out of the dorm to get Harry. When the two came back, Melody was left in her bra and undergarments.

"Cover your eyes!" Hermione ordered Harry. He quickly obeyed while Hermione threw a shirt over Melody. "Okay, you can open them."

"Heyyy," Melody slurred, extending the 'Y.'

"Melody..." Harry began slowly. "What did you drink?"

Melody held up the bottle and stumbled across the room to where Harry and Hermione were. Harry took the bottle and showed it to Hermione.

"I'll be back. I'll go get some water." Hermione quickly left the dorm, leaving Harry and Melody alone.

"Melody, why were you drinking?"

"I'll probably forget about this later, so..." Melody went to sit back on her bed. "When Hermione brought up Cedric's death, and it got me thinking about everything else," she said quickly.

"What else?"

"The people that I've-you know, I guess the guilt is coming back to haunt me." Tears were now streaming down her face. "And,
I-I think I'm getting in trouble with Umbridge, so I have an excuse to do this." She pulled up her sleeve to reveal the carving on her wrist.

Harry darted over to the girls' bed and sat next to her. "Why?" That was all Harry could manage to get out.

"As I said, I deserve it. I don't know any other way to take it out on myself."

"You don't deserve that, and you can always talk to me when you feel like hurting yourself. We don't even have to talk. I could just hold you," he offered.

Melody's frown turned into a warm smile, tears were still flowing, but she didn't care because he was here. Just then, Hermione came back in with a glass of water. Melody happily drank the glass.

"I'll leave you two be," Hermione whispered. She scrambled out of the room.

"Melody, promise me you'll stop getting in detention on purpose. And stop hurting yourself, okay?" Harry tilted her chin up and gave her a slow, soft kiss. Once Harry pulled away, he looked into Melody's eyes, hoping for an answer.

"Okay. I promise." Harry wrapped his arms around her, and she placed her head on his chest. The two sat in silence, just thinking. Little did they know, they were both thinking the same thing.

'I love you.'

And somehow, they both knew it.

I'll Still Love You Tomorrow | Harry J. PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora