Thin Ice...

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It's been a week since Melody and Harry have had a proper conversation. Today, she was determined to talk to him. She made all of Harry's favorite foods, though she doubted he would forgive her. As she was putting the can of whip cream in the fridge, she heard someone walk in.

"Melody, what do you want?" Harry asked as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. When he put his glasses on, he saw the sweets that Melody had made. "Melody, you can't just make me treats and expect me to forgive you."

"Then what do you want me to do?" she asked frustratedly. This had been the fourteenth time she had attempted to talk to him.

"I don't know. Give me time," Harry replied as he attempted to walk out the door.

"It's been a week!" She chased him out. "How much more time could you possibly need?"

"However much time it takes for me to process the fact that you knocked me out."

"I've already said I was sorry. What more can I do?"

Harry didn't answer but continued walking away. He made his way to the common room and sat in front of Ron. Usually, Hermione would be there but she and Ron weren't on great terms.

"Did you forgive Melody yet?" Ron suddenly asked. Harry shook his head stubbornly. "What did you do? We both know you're past Melody knocking you out."

"Why do you assume I did something?"

"Well did you?"

"Yes..." Harry answered.

"What did you do?" Ron asked him disappointedly.

"Ron, it was an in-the-moment thing. I swear."

"The last time you said that you kissed Cho..." he called him out. Ron's face became horrid in realization. "Who'd you kiss other than Melody?"

"Malia. But she turned me down quickly," Harry replied.

Melody gasped, revealing that she was behind them. "At least when I'm wrong, I admit it," she said as she stormed up the steps to the girl's dormitories.

"Melody, wait!" Harry called.

"Nice going, mate," said Ron. "You might as well dig your grave."

"Thanks, Ron," Harry sarcastically said. "That makes me feel loads better."


Harry scoffed before chasing after Melody. He knocked on her dorm, receiving no response.

"Melody, it's me, Harry."

"An even better reason to not let you in," she replied through the door.

"Alohomora," Harry whispered. The door to her dorm unlocked. Melody was on her bed with her elbows holding her up when Harry barged through the door. "Melody-"

"No," she interrupted. "I understand that what I did was bad, but at least I did it for your benefit."

"I'm sorry," is all he said.

"I'm sure you are." Melody attempted to walk out of the room but Harry stood in front of the door.

"Neither one of us is leaving this room until we make up," Harry said fiercely.

"Great. So, we're gonna starve to death," she groaned.

"Melody, I'm serious. This has gone on for too long. Let's just agree that we both were wrong and move on," Harry tried to reason.

"Harry, you cheated. I'd say that's a lot different."

"I know. Which is why I'm giving you a pass."

Melody arched an eyebrow. "What?"

"You can kiss whomever you want without considering it cheating."

A smirk appeared on her lips. "I can live with that."

"So we're good now?" He offered his hand.

She shook his hand. "We're good. But you're on thin ice."

"As are you."

The ice is cracked 😩

Sorry this is so short. I'm honestly SO close to just doing a time skip to the end😭

Ik chapters have been so boring but I'm trying to hold on

Until next time

xoxo, gossip girl

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