Drunk Crying

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As of now, Melody and Ron are sitting in the common room reading over assignments. Ron was sitting on the floor as Melody was lying on the couch with her back pressed to the cushion. Ron had just gone over the potions assignment when Melody asked a random but interesting question.

"Have you ever wondered why Snape is so cold?" Asked Melody.

"Harry told me that his mom and Snape had a thing. And obviously, that didn't go well."

"That's why he hates Harry extra, huh?"

"Yup." Suddenly, George and Fred appeared behind the two. Melody and Ron jumped in surprise and turned around to face the ginger twins.

"Hello!" Fred greeted.

"We are giving you an invitation to our party." George handed the two cards.

"Party? What's the occasion?" Melody asked.

"This is an annual thing, now that you two are old enough, we wanted you to come. But this isn't just any party..."

"It never is with you two," Ron laughed.

"Anyway. This party is an escape. Meaning you get to do anything that you've wanted to do. If you have a girlfriend or boyfriend, you don't tonight," George explained. "Everything has to be consensual, of course."

"Wait, so, we can do anything, and no one can hold it against us?" Ron asked.

"Yup. Again, it has to be consensual."

"What time is this party?"

"Eight. In the Gryffindor common room."

"Who's all coming so I can be prepared?" Melody questioned.

"Harry, Hermione, Haylee, Lee, Angelina, along with a whole bunch of others."

"We'll be there."

"Harry, are you sure you wanna go to this party? I mean, the twins said this party is going to be wild. And there's going to be other

"Is someone jealous?" Harry made a fake pouty face. "You know I only have eyes for youuu," Harry smirked before placing a kiss on her lip.

Melody shoved him lightly before saying, "I'm not jealous."

"That's what someone jealous would say."

Melody smacked him on the head with a newspaper. "Your Leo is showing."

The two walked down into the common room. There were flashing lights and fog in the air. "Ladies, Gentlemen, and they's, welcome to The Weasley Twins annual party," Fred announced. "Rules-everything has to be consensual. Two, anything you do tonight cannot be held against you. Three, have fun!" Melody walked over to the table and picked out some water.

"You're really not gonna drink?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Last time I drank didn't go so well."

"Oh come on, remember, this can't be held against you," he provoked.

"Fine. Just one, though." She poured some of the fire whiskey into the cup and drank. Harry poured himself a cup, and he and Melody headed to the circle everyone was in.

"We are playing spin the bottle. I know some of you have lovers you're welcome not to play, but this will not be held against you," George assured.

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