🦃 Chapter Twenty Nine🦃

Start from the beginning

"I love you too baby, so much you have no idea. I'm so happy that you're safe. Get better soon so I can tell you the words and hear you say them back."I pleaded and I had no idea I had even been crying when a tear fell on her cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

I cleared my throat and swiped the traitor tears off my face. I would not fault myself for crying, I'd almost lost the love of my life, I was entitled to relief tears.

A slight knock on the door startled me before the it opened and Ruth's head peeped in.

"The doctor just left and we're about to leave too but we would all like to talk to you first."She requested and I nodded.

I leaned in and kissed Lulu's forehead before following Ruth to the living room where all my family and friends had gathered waiting for me. Rashid was there too and it didn't surprise me seeing as he was a close friend of Lulu and the closest thing she had to family since her sisters were in the city.

I grabbed a chair from the dining table since all others were filled and joined everyone else in the living room.

"The doctor filled us in and we're all thanking God that she is okay. I have no idea what we would have done if she had been harmed or worse dead."My dad sympathized.

"What you'd have is a furious Marini Kiarie in your hands. Her sister is very overprotective so thank your lucky stars Lulu is okay. Now will someone explain to me what the hell happened out there."Rashid demanded clearly agitated.

Any other time I'd have admonished him for talking to me with that tone but at the moment I understood what he was going through. I looked at Mark for an explanation since I'd asked him to investigate after we'd gotten Lulu to my place.

"I sent a few warriors to track the footprints of the attackers and they traced back to a camp that had been set up but is now deserted. The trail went cold after that."Mark summarized and I grumbled in frustration.

"So we have no idea who shot at Lulu,why, or if they are going to do it again?"Ruth asked the exact question that was in my mind.

"I'll check out the camp tomorrow but the best guess I can come up with us that they were either hired to kill her or it was a robbery gone wrong."Mark replied and Rashid scoffed.

"That was no robbery. Did you see how many bullets they put in her car. That was more than enough ammo to arm a troop. They tried to kill her and I want to know who and why."Rashid ranted out and I realized I had to speak up before things escalated.

"Does anyone else outside this room know what happened today?"I asked and a round of no's went around the room.

"Good and we're going to keep it that way until we apprehend the culprit behind this. We don't have any real police around this areas but we'll figure out a way to solve this case. We can't let Marini know about this until Lulu wakes up. She'll decide if we let her sister know or not. Rashid can you find a way to have her car towed and brought here before dawn?"

"Yeah I'll figure it out."He mumbled still not pleased with the situation.

I understood his frustration but there was nothing else we could do but sit and wait.

"I know everyone is scared but we all have to remember that Lulu is safe and sound. We're all tired so let's go home and if you want to see Lulu you can come by in the morning."I instructed getting up and everyone stood with me.

"Before we all go, let's pray."My mom who had been silent the whole time requested.

We all gathered together and bowed our heads for prayer allowing my mom to lead.

Queen Of The Plains ( The Matriarchy Series Book 2)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now