-27-Birthday Special-27-

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(Ok so my birthday is May 1st but I'm just gonna get this in today since the next chapter will be the last. I'm sad so see this book end but all good stories end at some point)

(I'm gonna be making another Overlord story that'll solely be an X Ainz story. I'll explain more at the end of this chapter.)

I need to start working on that story at some point... )

I open my eyes slowly, arms around me. I looked down, seeing Demiurge sleeping soundly against my chest as he hugged my waist. One of my hands were being held by Ainz, his soft snores making me want to go back to bed. I looked over, to see Albedo hugging Ainz, her wing laying on top of him and me. I smiled, closing my eyes once more. I wanna stay in this moment a little longer, my tail wrapping around Ainz leg. I feel Demiurge move, opening my eyes to look down into his diamond one. I smiled.

"Morning, my devil."I softly greeted, him greeting back is a low tired voice. I kissed his forehead, purring. I feel Albedo's wing move, her eyes slowly opening before landing on me. I looked behind me, smiling at her.
"Morning, my dear."I greeted, her greeting me back. Finally I feel my hair get ruffled, looking up to see Ainz hand. I chuckled, purring more. We all get up, Albedo and Demiurge teleporting to their rooms. I smiled as I walked out of the room with Ainz, humming. Then a screen showed up in front of me, making me furrow my brows in confusion. I read what it said, my eyes widening.
"It's my birthday?"I question, Ainz turning to me.

"It sent you an alert?" Ainz asked, looking at the screen that showed up. I nodded.

"Apparently so."I said, staring at it. I dismissed it, frowning.
"I don't know how to feel about this, especially since in this world I'm technically 34...."I said, him nodding. I looked away.
"In the other world.... I would've been 28."I said, my tail swishing. I shake my head, continuing to walk.
"I rather not think about my birthday."I said, Ainz walking beside me into the office. I immediately got to work, discussing a few things with Ainz to see how it my play out and if we should intervene.

(Ok so the reason she makes jewelry is because I also make it. I love making jewelry and items for people, especially my girlfriend who has countless sets because of me)

(future Val: surprisingly my ex gf still wears the jewelry I made her. I ended up giving her a small bag full of more I made before she broke up with me)

The ex I spoke about is my best friend. Made her seem more for her birthday and am happy she wears them.)


I smiled, finishing the jewelry set I made for Albedo. I put it in a box, moving it as I started on the small tie clip and handkerchief for Demiurge. I already had something for Ainz, it's in its box already. I hear a knock, making me stop.
"Come in."I said, the door opening. I see Ainz, making me smile as I raise a brow.
"What may I help you with, Love."I asked, Ainz chuckling.

"I've asked for you to accompany me into the forest. There's something I want to show you."He said, making me think.

"I'll accompany you, but I have something for you."I said, going and grabbed the small box. He looked at it, his mouth moving open slightly. I smiled, handing it to him.
"It's not as nice as the others you have but I thought of you when I found these beads."I flushed as he opened it, revealing two handmade rings with red beads with gold. I looked away, glancing at him when he said nothing. He immediately put them on, making my eyes widen as my tail wagged.

"Your creations always amaze me. Your creativity is astonishing."He said, a goofy smile covering my face as I flushed more.

"T-Thank you."I said, him laughing before we teleported to the woods. I see Albedo, making me wish I brought her gift too.
"Hello Albedo, what are you doing here?"I asked, her eyes widening as she smiled at me.

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