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(A/N- gonna be working on school for a little. I'm failing most and want to try and dug myself out of the hole I made so have three fillers of the three love interest I plan to pair her up with)
(A/N I don't think there's a way for me to gig myself out. I ment-)

(future Val: fun fact, Junior year caused me to develop a tic disorder-)

Fun fact, senior year is currently leaving me emotionally and mentally dying. Sleep? Fuck that!)

I smiled as I sat on the wall, staring up at the night sky. I was currently wearing my normal attire, though my tail sleeve and hat were off along with my gloves. I hummed softly, starting to sing out loud.

"I've been staring at you for days, but you never seem to look my way. My 'I love you's in your alphabet soup seem to go to waste. Been keeping myself at bay, now everything's going pear shape."I sang, closing my eyes as my head swayed. I didn't notice the small footsteps behind me, continuing to sing peacefully.
"I guess boys with beating hearts beats a boy..."I sang, grinning at the bright shining moon as I undid my buns.
"Buried in the backyard. Everytime I try to make contact, feels like a supernatural attack. Misinterpret then you react. I guess it's back to the attic, I'm so dramatic. It's so sad."I sang, my tail swishing back and forth as I moved my hands dramatically to my forehead and chest.
"But the last time I let somebody inside... I was buried ali-" My ears perked up, turning to see Demiurge watching me. I yelped, my face turning a purple and green hue.
"D-Demiurge! How long have you been standing there?"I asked, a little embarrassed that he heard me sing.

"Apologies, my Lady. I didn't mean to startle you."He bowed his head, making me nod.

"It's fine. This is your floor."I said, looking back at the stars.
"I just wanted to look at the stars so please excuse my presence."I said, smiling again. Demiurge smiled at me, immediately dismissing my disturbance before thinking.

"If you'd like, I can help you take a closer look."He said, making me look at him. I frowned, looking at my legs.

"I'm not sure. I wouldn't want to waste your-" I felt myself get picked up, hands wrapping around my waist as I'm lifted.
"Demiurge!?"I cried, wrapping my arms along his neck before hiding my face in his neck in fear. I heard a light chuckle, air whooshing past us as he brought us higher into the air. I held onto him tightly, eyes shut.

"My apologies once more my Lady, but I've seen how you look at the stars. I know my actions are inexcusable but I refuse to allow you to sit by idly when I can bring you closer."He calmly said in my ear, my face growing warm.
"You may open your eyes."He quietly said, making me move my head away from him to see his now frog like face. I turn, my eyes widening as my lips parted slightly. We flew almost in place, stars surrounding us as we stayed above the few clouds still visible. The stars shined brightly within the blueish blackish sky, leaving me in aw.

"This is.... Beautiful."I breathed, my hold on him loosening. I could feel him smile, making me look back at him to see his frog like face. I smiled, staring into his red eyes.
"Thank you, Demiurge. I mean it."I said, looking back at the sky before he flew us down. We landed, though his arms still lingered around my waist.

"If you ever have the desire to see the stars again, please let me know my lady."He said, his face turning to normal. I smiled, giving him a peck on the cheek before giggling.

"I will dear, my devil~ " I said as I turned away, my tail brushing against his before I left.
I hummed as I walked down the dark halls, a thin smile on my face. I ignored the ringing in my ears as I made it down into the throne room, staring up at the flags. I frowned as I stare at them, closing my eyes briefly. I sighed and fell on my back, staring at the ceiling. These were one of the few times everyone was asleep, other than a few who physically can't sleep. I closed my eyes, allowing my mind to run as the ringing subsided.

"My Lady?" I opened my eyes, seeing someone hovering over me. How did I not hear them? I focused my eyes and recognized them to be..

"Oh, I didn't hear you come in."I said, looking up at Demiurge. I sit up, looking up at him.
"My apologies if I worried you." I said, standing.

"If I may ask, why aren't you asleep?"He asked, making me chuckle.

"I could ask the same but to be blunt, I couldn't sleep..."I said, turning away from him to face the throne. I frowned, thinking.

"What seems to be bothering you, Lady Zailrin?"He asked, making me look at him before sighing.

"To be truthful, I'm depressed."I said, smiling. His mouth opening slightly as he took in my tired form, the only illumination being a few lights here and there. We stood there for a few minutes as I turned to stare at the flags once more, memories going through me before I chuckled.
"You should sleep, I wouldn't want you to drop from exhaustion."I said, smiling at him before heading over to the doors.

"Wait!"I turn, feeling him grab my hand. He frowns at me, quickly taking his hand back.

"My apologies Lady Zailrin. Please allow me to return you to your room."He said, making me hesitate.

".... You may return me to my bedroom."I said, getting a small head bow before he leads me out. We walk in silence, every quiet second eating me alive until we get to my room. I smiled at him as he opened my door, bowing his head.

"Good night Lady Zailrin."He said, making me nod.

"Goodnight Demiurge."I said, going in before pausing.
"Demiurge, would you like a hug before leaving?"I asked, seeing his head raise in surprise as his tail swished.

"If you permit it."He answered, making me chuckle. I go to him, hugging him. I nuzzle my head into his chest, feeling my mind calm down. After a minute he rest his head against mine, causing me pur. We stayed like that for a few minutes, separating to finally head to bed.

(Sorry about that last part being kinda depressing. I'm a "little" depressed so-)

(edited 9-16-21

Junior year sucked for my mental health but at least my senior year is better)

(Edited 1-9-22
You got cheated on, how is that better-)

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