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I stared at the two thrones, both being made out of bones. Mine had jester hats on the skulls, a few painted like my hat.

"It seemed only right to prepare thrones for you."Demiurge said as I walked up to mines. This is the first throne I've ever had.

"And the bone?"Ainz asked.

"We assembled the best parts of various animals. Griffons, wyverns, and the like." Demiurge answered. I turned, smiling at Demiurge.

"Thank you. This is the first throne I've ever had."I thanked, walking to him with a smile. I go and hug him, feeling his tail wag as I did so.

"Shalltear. I promised you a punishment, didn't I?"I heard, letting go of Demiurge to look at Shalltear.

(Ainz sitting on her keeps making me tic. Ah ha ha. What a-)
(Oop, albedo screaming and breaking shit is making me tic worst ah ha ha-)

(Future Val: the second hand anxiety made me tic back then)

I sat on my throne as Ainz sat next to me, Shalltear heaving underneath him.

"Brilliant, my lord. I'm in awe!"Demiurge said, making me slightly nod.

"Sorry Demiurge, but at least the thrones didn't go completely out of waste." Ainz said, looking at me, I nod excitedly.

"I'm just happy to have my first throne, though standing beside you, Ainz, wasn't a problem."I said, giving them a toothy smile. I saw both Ainz and Demiurge gaze linger, Demiurge going on about how Ainz idea was brilliant.

"May I be excused, my Lord and Lady?"Albedo asked, making me nod. She left the room, the sounds of her screams and things breaking being heard. I chuckled hesitantly, a little worried. After she came back I then noticed something. Shalltear's.... Oh my god, this vampire is horny- a flash of green light covered me, making me blink a few times. This place I swear-
We watch the Lizard Men waste their time, making me hum.

"Maybe he's inside one of the houses."Aura suggested, making me nod.

"That is possible."I said, watching Ainz use a spell so we could find- my mouth gaped at the sight of the two Lizard's mating which made me raise my hand, changing the POV of the mirror quickly. I just covered my face, shaking my head as the others commented on what we just saw.

"Well, they are about to die. In these situations, the instinct to preserve the species kicks in." Ainz said, making them all nod and agree. At least they don't have heat cycles like certain species, that would be awkward.
"Aura, since we have yet to see any activity from them at this stage, it is highly unlikely that we will run into whoever attacked Shalltear."Ainz said, making me nod.

"Even so, be cautious with your surroundings."I said, getting nods.

"If there is a Yggdrasil player on the Lizard Men's side, we will give them one chance to ally with us. If they refuse, we must destroy them to keep information from getting out."Ainz said, making me nod.
"Cocytus, you fought admirably today."Ainz said, the guardians bowing beside us as Cocytus tool in front of us.

"AND I ALWAYS WILL, LORD."He said, head bowed. I frowned at this. I don't think he gave it his all, emotionally and spiritually.

"That being said, giving them the stick is no longer permitted. You must lead them only by the . It must not be a reign of terror."Ainz explained, making me nod.


"Lift your heads, Guardians, and hear my words. The rule over the Lizard Men villages is assigned to Cocytus. If he ever requests your support, assist him to the best of your ability." Ainz said to the kneeling Guardians.

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