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(quickly sketched this up for this chapter. Would y'all want her to join Momonga when he goes into town as Momon? Let me know so I can start on a human disguise for her)

( 1-6-22
She does go, don't worry about answering the question)

I walk in, seeing Momonga stand. He looks to me, making me become alert.

"Zailrin. Come along." He said, making me nod. I immediately go to him, feeling his arm wrap around my waist as he says 'gate'. We go through, finding two girls who were on the floor surrounded by a few knights. My pupils dilated at seeing the bloodied sword and saw the woman's back, it being bloodied too. I rushed forward, summoning my duel sickles and sliced two knights heads off. I heard screaming as I jumped in from of the two girls, standing in defense as I watched Momonga take care of the rest. When the threats were gone I placed the sickles to my sides, turning towards the two girls. I crouched, tilting my head.

"Are you two okay?"I asked, getting a small scared nod. I turn to see Albedo come in with full battle armor, making me almost blush. I nod to her while Momonga greeted her, allowing me to look back at the two girls.
"It looks like you're bleeding. Here, drink this potion. It'll heal that wound on your back." I said, offering a potion to her. She hesitates, going to grab it only for the younger girl to stop her. The girl screamed, hugging the girl tighter.

"How dare you insult your Savior!" Albedo yelled, raising her weapon above them. I growled as I raise an arm in from of them, looking up at her.

"Albedo, don't! Lower your weapon at once."Momonga ordered, causing the woman to listen immediately. I relaxed as Momonga takes the bottle, explains further about what it was. I stood, watching Momonga cast protection spells along with give them goblin horns. We turn, walking away from the two.

"Wait, excuse me!"We stop, I being the only one who looked back.

"Thank you for saving us."The older girl said, getting a smile from me and a 'No problem' from Momonga.
"May I please have the name of the Man and Woman who saved me?"She asked, causing Momonga to turn.

"Yes, you shall remember it well. And tell everyone of our powers. I am Ains Ooal Gown!"He said, making me raise a brow as I smile brightly.

"And I am Zailrin." I introduced, turning and walked forward with the two in front of me. I quickened my pace, now walking along with Momonga.
"Ains ey? Want me to start Calling you that?"I asked, seeing him look at me with a nod. I smiled, turning forward. He hums and I watched as he summons a mask, putting it on along with putting metal gloves on.

"Zailrin, cover as much unhuman traits as you can. We don't want to frighten them." He said, making me smile as I looked at him.

"Luckily for you I know the exact outfit." I smirked, grabbing my sickles and made them disappear.
"Outfit Change, Momonga." I said the command, my whole outfit changing. My jester outfit was replaced by a dress, a long coat covering my arms. I ran a hand through my hair, taking off the buns so my hair laid around my shoulders. I move them into my hood and a crest appeared to cover my horn, making a small veil appear to cover my eyes. I lay my hands in front of me, smiling up at him.
"I started to make outfits based of you and the others, though yours is the only one that's more presentable."I explained, seeing him stare at me with his mouth gaped open. I chuckled as a green light covered him, feeling Albedo's eyes stare me up and down.

"How long did it take you to make this?" Ainz asked, making me hum.

"I think about an hour, only because I had to make a few of these with the homebrew mod."I explained, getting a nod. He wraps an arm around my waist, taking flight which startled me a little.
"Ainz! Warn me a little next time!" I gasped, clinging onto him which made him chuckle. We floated above, spotting the village. We floated down to the said village, seeing a death Knight slice a man's head off. My pupils dilated at the sight of blood, making me smile only to hide it.

"Stop, Death Knight! You've served me well."Ainz commanded, causing the undead thing to stop it's assault. After we landed in front of the undead I was release, allowing me to stand to Ainz's right.
"My name is Ains Ooal Gown. It is a pleasure to meet all of you."He said, getting stares from the armored humans.
"Don't worry about my Death Knight. No harm will come to you now. Tell your supervi-- I mean, owner of my kindness. However, next time you commit such heinous acts in this area, We will bring death to your entire kingdom." He said, making me grin.

"Leave. Make sure you speak the names Ainz Ooal Gown and Lady Zailrin to everyone."I said, tilting my head in a sickening way. I chuckled as they ran, straightening my posture as a man spoke to Ainz.

"Um, pardon me, why did you come here?" He asked, making me lightly tilt my head towards Ainz. I wonder that too, especially why he wanted me there too.

"We could not stand by and watch innocent people be murdered. Call it a 'Moral Obligation'." He answered, causing them to gasp.
"Be at ease. The village is under our protection. You no longer need to be scared."He said, walking forward as me and Albedo stayed behind.
"We don't do this kind of work for free though. We expect to be compensated for our efforts." He said, causing the villagers to smile and talk to eachother.
After talking with the village chief we stood under a tree, watching the villagers mourn for their dead. I frown at this, thinking. Even when I was alive I never understood the feeling people got seeing their love ones die. Even though I have seen some of my own die I never felt the pain my family felt, and I'm afraid I never will in this world. I lean my head against Ainz's shoulder, watching the two girls cry. Ainz look at me before guiding me away, where I soon lifted my head from him. We walked through the village as they slowly rebuild what was destroyed, walking carefully as my tail unwrapped itself from my legs.
"Today's mission was a great success. Let's head back home you two."He said, making me nod. I watched as Albedo turned to a human, not replying to it.
"You seek to dislike humans."He said, making me look at Albedo even more.

"What's to like about them? They are weak and pathetic. Just tiny insects that exist to be crushed under foot."She said, making be walk to stand in front of her.

"As much as I agree, even insects can do a great deal of harm when threatened or with a goal in mind."I said, placing a hand on her armored cheek. I felt her breath hitched at the touch, her attention fully centered on my veiled face as I gave her a kind smile.
"Don't underestimate them. Show them respect, even if you have to act. I demand that you try your hardest to show them kindest, even if you don't think they deserve such from you."I said, feeling her tense before nodding. I let go of her and turn, immediately seeing the sour face the village chief had while talking. I watched as Ainz walked over, speaking to them before heading back to me.

"There are more soldiers. Come."He said, making me nod with a chuckle.

"Yes deary."I answered, walking next to his as he lead us to the town square. The story we had told the villagers was that me and Momonga were hermits that rarely went outside, using the cover as lover's who practiced magic since we both wore similar clothing patterns. I giggled as he shook his head, making me smile. I'll tease him about the cover story later. We stood there as soldiers on horses rode towards us, one stopping in front of us.

"I am the Chief Royal Warrior from the Re-Estize. Gazef Stronoff. The King has ordered me to hunt down any Knights that have been attacking surrounding villages. Your people are safe now. We will do all we can to protect you."He said, making me smile. Wonderful name.

"Thank you, General Gazef."The village cheif said, making Ainz look at him.

"Are you the chief of this village? Who is this man standing beside you. He looks peculiar." He said, making me cover my hand as I chuckle.

"Oh how rude~" I said, wrapping an arm around Ainz's back as I leaned against him.

"I am Ains Ooal Gown and this is my wife Zailrin. We are simple Magic users who stumbled upon this town while it was being ransacked by those knights."He said, causing the man to gasp as he hopped off his horse.

"These people would have been lost without you. Thank you, Sir Ains."He thanked, turning when one of his soldiers told him about an army of Soldiers surrounding the village. My lips parted as I looked at Ainz, smiling.

"How fun~"

(Edited 9-15-21)

(Edited 1-6-22
Im on a heavy amount of redbull rn)

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