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"My Lady."My ears raised at my name. I raise my hand to where my ear was hidden, pressing lightly to it.

"Yes, Albedo?"I asked, stopping.

"Ainz request for your presence in the throne room."She said, making me hum.

"Understood. I'll be there soon."I said, ending the transmission. I head over, knowing well that it's forbidden to teleport there. I walked in, seeing Ainz and Albedo there. I smiled at them both, walking and stood next to Ainz.
"Hello Albedo. Hello Ainz."I greeted, being greeted back. Soon enough Demiurge, the twins, Victim, Cocytus, and Shalltear arrived. I glanced at victim, seeing the flying fetus again after some time.

"Thank you for assembling so swiftly, my faithful Guardians. We have much to cover. Victim, come forward." Ainz called, causing the floating Guardian to rise.

"Please take a moment to introduce yourself to the others."I asked, Victim turning to look at the others.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I am Victim." Victim said, making me smile.

"Though you guard the Eighth floor, that is not the reason I've called you here. We have yet to identify Shalltear's powerful assailant. I doubt we have seen the last of him and must consider future incidents. Therefore, to protect all the guardians, myself, Zailrin, and Nazarick. I must use a powerful skill that is only involved by your death."Ainz explained, making me frown.

"We're sorry for this, but we will bring you back right away."I said, smiling at them.

"Do not let it bother you, Lord and Lady. Death is my purpose, what I was born for. If dying would be of use to a Supreme Being, and the tomb as a whole, nothing would give me greater joy."Victim said. I smiled, thinking.

"There is a motto our other members often lived by. I'm reminded of it now. 'Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.' Truly a sublime expression. One that I believe fits you perfectly. We are greatful for your love." Ainz said, causing victim to thank him.
"Next up, Demiurge. First, allow me to honor you. You always answer our calls with haste."Ainz said, making me nod.

"No matter when your called, you always answer it with quickness and thoroughly solve whatever is asked of you. Thank you."I said, smiling at him.

"You are too generous, my Lady and Lord. It is expected of me, just as it us for all of your humble servants."He said, his tail wagging. I giggled. That's cute.

"Indeed. I've inspected the sheepskin parchment you provided. It is evident they will stand up to use as low-tier scrolls. Can I trust on a stable supply of it?"Ainz asked.

"That won't be a problem, my Lord. I have acquired an ample number of them."He answered, making us both nod.

"If I may know, what's the name of the creature you've been harvesting?"I asked, tilting my head.

"Their name? Ah. Would 'Abelion Sheep' suffice? The skin is similar. As is their role in your conquest." Demiurge answered, making me realized what exactly they were. I looking at Ainz, seeing him think. He doesn't understand.... Does he. I looked back at Demiurge, a grin slightly showing.

"You are quite correct, Demiurge. Continue with what your doing."I said, seeing his tail wag.

"Now, Shalltear. Regarding the splinter in your soul."Ains said, causing Shalltear to beg him to punish her. I sighed.

"We will talk about your punishment later."I said, glancing at Ainz. I definitely need to speak to him later.

"Lastly, Cocytus. You ended in defeat."He said, making me stare at Cocytus. I remember now, he fought our first war with a divided species.

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