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"Raise your heads. I am very pleased that all of you have come." Momonga said, making me nod in agreement.

"Your thanks are wasted on us. We have pledge ourselves and live to obey, my lord. I fear that our abilities may not meet your expectations. Despite this, we will strive to meet them. In honor of the lost Supreme Beings. Our blessed creators, this, we vow!" Albedo said, causing them all to repeat her last words. I smiled brightly at them as Momonga stretched his arms out.

"Most excellent, Our Guardians! I have no doubt along you will fulfill your duties without fail!"He said, causing them all to smile.
"Now then. The situation outside the Great Tomb of Nazarick is at present, entirely unknown to us. With this in mind, I've had Sebas survey the surrounding area."He said, looking over to see the said man.
"Grasslands?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Yes my Lady. I'm afraid the swamps that once surrounded the Great Tomb of Nazarick are nowhere to be seen. Furthermore, I could not confirm a single building, human, or monster within one kilometer of here. It would seem we are completely isolated." He explained, making me and Momonga look at eachother.

"Very good, Sebas." He said, turning to the man.
"You have served us well. As I suspected, it appears that Nazarick has been transported to an unknown land by equally mysterious means."He said, turning to Albedo.
"Floor Guardian leader Albedo, and defensive leader Demiurge. I have a task for you."He began, getting a 'Lord?' in response.
"Fortify our defenses and work on a way to strengthen our information gathering. The rest of you, follow their lead." He said, getting confirmation.
"Mare, is there a way to conceal the Great Tomb of Nazarick?"He asked.

"Yes, though, it will be difficult if all we use is magic. But, if we cover the walls with dirt and vegetation. I think it would help to camouflage us from intruders-"

"You want to smear the glorious Nazarick walls with dirt?" Albedo growled, making me drop my smile.

"Albedo. Don't make unnecessary remarks."I ordered, causing her to bow her head.

"Yes. Forgive me, my Lady. I was careless." She said, making me nod before looking to Mare.

"Are you confident the dirt will be sufficient, Mare?"Momonga asked.

"Y-Yes. I am. As long as you allow it, of course. Except..."He trailed off, making me look over at Momonga.

"One random hill would look unnatural." I said, making him nod.
"Sebas, are there any hills around the tomb we can blend with?" I asked, getting a no.

"Fortunately, the land can be molded to suit our needs. Would making dummy hills suffice?"Momonga asked, making a nod.

"Yes, I do believe we would blend in with such a surrounding." Sebas said, making me smile.

"Wonderful, then that is what we shall do."I said, looking at Momonga.

"Afterwards, we will use illusion magic to hide the open areas we cannot cover."He said, getting a stuttered yes from Mare.
"Lastly, there is a question I would have each of you answer. First shalltear, tell me what kind of person we are to you."He asked, making me look at him in curiosity.

"Beauty incarnate. There is nothing, living or undead that could ever compare with your radiant glow my lord besides the lady."




"Compassionate and your always three steps ahead of the game. Lady consume's is kind, even to those who don't deserve it."

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