Part One

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The smell of breakfast fill that small two bedroom house in the middle of the city. Harry worked full to time support his husband and their son, who joined their family a little earlier then either one of them planed. In fact it wasn't really talked about. They were hardly eighteen and ran away to another city to get married. Draco hated his parents. He knew he was adopted, and after their birth of their real child...Draco became old news in his house. Nothing he done was ever good enough for his mother and his father had a long time started to be cold towards to him. His baby sister often acting like She was better then him. Harry? Did love his family, but they wasn't always so opened about his choices to be with Draco because they disliked his family. James always distrusted Draco's parents and really disapprove of his snotty little sister. Who was now a sixteen years old mother of a two month old girl. Draco did love his little neice, but very much hated his sister in a lot of ways. Harry was back in contact with his family, who loved their little grandson. That made both boys happy, as at least their son had one of their grandparents in their lives that did love him. James and Lily warmed up to Draco the last couple of years. Harry thought it had more to do with not loosing their only child, but he really didn't care. Draco needed the love and they gave him the love he needed. Draco was also pregnant with their second child, another surprise neither boy was really ready for as their son was only eighteen months and they haven't really got the prefect hand on raising their little boy. However, life has a way of surprising people, and their lives were surprised by babies it seems.

Harry gave Draco's cheek a kiss, who was at the strove flipping the pancakes. "Good morning!" Draco smiled. "Good morning, Love. Feeling okay?" Harry asked, locking his arms around Draco's body. "The normal morning sickness, but otherwise I am fantastic." Draco said, before Harry felt the little hands held onto his leg. "Why good morning! Where on your clothes?" Harry laughed at the toddler standing in his diaper. "After breakfast. He makes such a mess." Draco said and Harry just smiled. He gave Draco a kiss before he picked up the little boy who giggled. "Good morning little man!" Harry said, giving the boy a kiss on the check who reach up and grabbed Harry's glasses. "James, your pappy needs his glasses." Draco laughed and they watched James put the oversized glasses on his small face. Harry smiled. "I love you very much little man." Harry smiled and James giggled out, enjoying the oversized glasses on his face. Harry took his glasses back and walked James to the highchair. He put James in the highchair and they sat down for breakfast.

Harry put his bag on his shoulder and opened the door to leave. Samantha, Draco's little sister, stood there ready to knock on the door. She held the car-sit in her arm with the diaper bag on her other shoulder. "Draco, door!" Harry said. "Upset him, and me and you will have a problem." Harry said kind of quietly before he walked past her. Draco walked to the door. "What is it Sam?" Draco said. "Can...I come in?" She asked and Draco let out a sigh, before pushing open the door.
She sat the car-sit up on the coffee table, and Draco eased down and pulled the blanket off. "Don't let her sleep in a bow, Sam." Draco said a bit softly, and carefully removed the bow of the sleeping girls head. "If I pay you...can you watch for a couple nights?" Sam asked. "Why? You're still at home." Draco said. "Father hates her, and really disproves I don't even know who her daddy is. I need sleep." She admitted. "I'll talk to Harry. Shouldn't you be at school?" Draco asked. "I had to drop out...they won't watch her and I can't afford day-care." Sam admitted. "Take a nap. I'll talk to Harry when he calls during his lunch break." Draco replied.

The phone rang at 14 o'clock like everyday when he worked. "James, papa is on the phone." Draco said and Harry smiled at the giggled that started on the phone. "I love the both of you so much." Harry said. "And we love you to." Draco said. "What did your sister want?" Harry asked. "She...asked if I could keep Zoe a couple nights." Draco said. "Why would she asked? Isn't she like their prefect child?" Harry said. "I lost touch when I left, but seems the baby has brought out their bad side. Anything to do with the baby this ignore. Mum is even angry she dropped out of a school and we argue about how on Earth she was suppose to say in school...she was very ugly towards the end of the conversation." Draco said and after a sigh. "Whatever you decide I'll support. She is still your sister, maybe the baby will change her tone." Harry said. "If she agrees to go back to school...would you be okay if I watch little Zoe?" Draco asked. "I want to personally see her enrolled back in school. I don't trust her and won't let her use you for a free babysitter for her to run away with God only knows what guy." Harry said. "Understood. Was your morning okay?" Draco asked, getting his fingers sucked on by the toddler in his lap. "It was, but my lunch is ready. Do what you think is best, but I will not let her take advantage of your kind heart." Harry said. "I promise. Enjoy your lunch, Harry. Say bye to pappy!" Draco said and James giggled. "I love you both, Draco." Harry said, before handing up the phone.

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