But all they heard was that the evil cat race had invaded Jimin's land.

"They rule you?" Jungkook signed looking as close as a merman could to horrified.

"In a way yes" Jimin  responded.

The mermen all turned their accusing glances towards Latte. The cat hissed at them, expecting another wave of water to drench him. He scrambled across the sand into Jimin's lap. Jimin mindlessly stroked the cat's wet fur.

"Do you have jobs?" Jimin inquired, curious to know more of the mermen's life under the sea.

"Yes" Namjoon answered.

"Can you tell me?" Jimin asked excitedly.

"Hunter" both Jungkook and Yoongi signed.

"Scholar" Namjoon responded.

"Entertainer" Jin replied.

"Artist" Taehyung signed.

"Dancer" Hoseok signed last.

"Wow, so talented" Jimin signed, he tried to imagine these jobs underwater.

"What do you do?" Taehyung asked.

"Singer, performer, dancer" Jimin responded.

"3 jobs" Jungkook signed and the others looked impressed too.

"No, one job that includes 3 things" Jimin quickly responded, with a flurry of quick hand gestures.

"You sing for us?" Hoseok looked hesitant to ask.

Jimin thought for a moment, thinking of a song to sing. He hadn't sang since he came to the island. He did some warm up exercises so he wouldn't damage his throat.

The mermen all looked at him expectantly. Their tails splashing in the water when they shifted due to impatience.

Jimin thought for a moment before deciding to sing serendipity, one of his favourite songs.

"All this is no coincidence, just with my feelings" Jimin sang, usually wasn't difficult since he was used to singing for a crowd. But this time it felt different, more personal. The eyes of the mermen never left Jimin as he sang

He sung the last word, drawing it out for effect, before opening his eyes to look at the captivated audience. They stared at him in awe.

"Beautiful" Yoongi whispered. It was in the merman language so Jimin was unable to decipher what it meant.

The mermen all made noises like light shrieks and snickering sounds, their own language.

Taehyung reached out to Jimin, but unable to reach him. Jimin shuffled closer, Latte who saw he was moving closer to the mermen jumped off his lap and let out a long drawn out his, arching his back in distaste.

Jungkook sent a small wave of water at the cat as Jimin was distracted by Taehyung rubbing his cheek to the humans. Latte got drenched again unable to jump back far enough, fast enough.

Jungkook smirked, sticking his tounge out. He had learnt that from Jimin, when he was making teasing comments at the human, Jimin usually stuck his tounge out at him. So he did it, just to rile the cat up further. Baring his sharp fangs as he did so.

"Latte you're all wet again?" Jimin looked confused at the small drenched cat.

He missed Jungkook settle back to his smug smile. The other mermen looked happy at the cat's misery. Jimin merely dried the cat again and this time he kept the cat close to his chest. To keep him warm and dry, holding the small cat much like a person would a baby. Latte placed his paws on Jimin's shoulder and rubbed his face against the soft material t-shirt Jimin wore.

"You poor thing, the sea mustn't like you" Jimin muttered to the cat, placing a kiss on its small head.

"You should put the cat down, you don't know how dangerous it is" Jin warned the human.

Jimin merely smiled and held the cat closer.

"I'll be fine" he signed back with one hand.

"That's what everyone says, don't under estimate the enemy" Namjoon said, thinking back to his notes when he was studying in the pearl hall.

"There is no reason for me to be afraid of Latte. He is my pet" Jimin insisted.

The mermen merely ignored the last comment. Muttering amongst themselves.

"Definitely under its spell" was the general assumption drawn.

6 pairs of eyes narrowed in on their enemy as Jimin held the cat closer to his chest. Pressing another kiss to Latte's head as the mermen bared their teeth.


So we got alittle more insight into the mermen's lives.

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