"Hyung I feel so messed up.."

Minho listened to Seungmin's worries till the teacher came and started the class. He tried his best to comfort the younger but mostly he just listened attentively.

He knew too well how in times like these, an attentive listener is what you need the most, not some primitive advices.

He also kept holding the younger's hand, giving Seungmin a sense of reassurance that the older was there with him and he was gonna be alright.

Sometimes little gestures and comforting smiles work better than any words spoken.

"So... is this the last time I'm seeing you?" Minho was smiling sadly as him and his little crush made their way out of the class that just ended.

Sadly, they couldn't meet thrice every week in a scheduled manner anymore.

"We can always hang out hyung." Seungmin tried to cheer him up noticing the sadness in the older male's voice.

"We can't. I'm not supposed to hang out with friends outside campus according to my parents." Minho sighed taking a sit on one of the stairs that lead to the rooftop.

"Wait what- that's messed up."

"I know right."

Minho patted the concrete floor beside him, gesturing for the other to take a sit as well. "Minho hyung, don't worry. We're gonna stay connected through texts anyways."


They stayed there for a while catching up on life. None of them brought up the topic of saying goodbye after that but the heavy feeling of gloominess was prominent in the air and both of them felt it too well.

"Seungmo... I wanna hear you sing."

Minho mumbled his words, close to a whisper. The little bond between the two boys had been building for a while and all this time Minho was very curious about Seungmin's singing voice.

Music had always been a special attraction to him and anyone he connected through the strings of music would forever have a special place in his heart.

Seungmin on the other hand had been waiting for this chance. He had always wanted to sing for the older.

It was indeed his own special way of showing his feelings for the male who had been making him so happy.


Minho leaned his head on the wall of the staircase as he interlocked his fingers with Seungmin's, waiting for the younger to start.

Seungmin flashed a small smile at the cute gesture. It felt nice to be in each other's touch.

"Can I call you baby
Will you be my friend
Will you be my lover up until the very end
Let me show you love
Oh I don't pretend
Stay by my side even when the world is giving in...."

Seungmin's angelic voice echoed throughout the staircase. As he continued to sing more Minho closed his eyes trying to feel every word of the song being sang beside him.

Seungmin definitely had one of the best voices he had ever heard.

"I need somebody who can love me at my worst
No I'm not perfect but I hope you see my worth
Since only you nobody new
I put you first
If it's you girl I swear I'd do the worst"

Someone who could love me at my worst huh..

Minho's mind wandered about. With each verse of the song he could feel his heart clenching and a rush of sad feelings flowing through him.

In his head, what appeared was a picture of a high school student panicking in the corner of the halls, eyes lost and scared, looking at him as though he came in as his knight in shining armour. And that smile.. the oh so beautiful gummy smile.

Minho's thoughts got interrupted as Seungmin finished the song and lightly squeezed the older's hand to see if he had fallen asleep or not.

Minho looked up to meet Seungmin's smiling face fondly looking at him.

Wh-why did he appear in my head again... I thought I had gotten over. No! I have gotten over that.

"Minho hyung?"

Minho blinked a few times to stabilize himself mentally and finally smiled at the boy beside him. "You sing really well, Seungmo. I felt touched." He genuinely complimented the younger.

Seungmin's smile grew wider.

Why is it so hard to understand myself?


The italic lines are thoughts of Minho.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

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