Chapter 42 {Edited}

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Isabella Pov.



I stare at him with my jaw on the floor,his eyes as amused and confused as mine.

"We didn't think that through,like at all, haven't we?"He asks while running his hands through his hair.

"You can't go to jail!!! I can't go to jail either!!!! OH MY GOD WHAT IF THEY FOUND OUT I KILLED YOUR DAD??!!!"I scream getting up.

He closes his eyes, pressing his index finger on his ear.

"Well they probably heard you now amorcita".

"Stop joking around, this is a huge problem,we can lose her forever and-"He suddenly pulls my hand and presses his lips on mine.

"Calm down, don't forget you're pregnant"He says and I sit down,sudden movement making me nauseous.

"Uh oh"That's all I'm able to say before I feel my stomach turn.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling sick?"I nod.

"Come here, lets go to the bathroom"I put my hand over my mouth shaking my head.

"Should I-"I get up and run to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet from my limping leg.

He walks behind me and sits on the edge of the bathtub.

"See,I told you to take it easy"He says and rubs my back in circles, I groan when I feel all the candy from last night making it's way back.

"Get out,this is embarassing and disgusting"I say between gagging.

"This is normal and it's not disgusting".

"You're going to be disgusted by me"I say with tears filling my eyes from the bitterness of my throat.

"Are you crying? Isabella why the hell are you crying?"He says with worry in his voice.

"I don't know, because you're gonna think I'm ugly and my throat burns like a motherfucker"I say and burst into tears, the crying makes me even more nauseous and all the candy ends up down the toilet.

This is the most confusing thing I have ever experienced in my life.

I kept throwing up for another five minutes then I had to take a shower to wash the nastiness off me, Richardo of course didn't let me do it on my own because he was afraid of me slipping and falling down.

"God woman, you're showering in hell"He says and goes in the cold corner of the shower.

"Well then get out and let me do it in peace"I say and grab the shampoo from the shelf, pouring the liquid in my hand.

"That reminds me of you"He says and smirks, looking down at my hand full of  shampoo, I roll my eyes and throw the bottle at him.

"Pervert"He laughs.

I rub my hair with the shampoo, exhaling loudly.

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