chapter 7- hanging with the guys

Start from the beginning

"Do you guys wanna eat lunch? I'm starving!" Ryan rubbed his stomach, changing the subject

"Yeah, what time is it?" Mitch asked as he grabbed his phone, "It's already eleven thirty?" His jaw dropped

"I almost slept for twelve hours? How?" I asked in disbelief

"Well, we got here around ten thirty and Mitch was just barely awake. He didn't notice us at first because he was too distracted by starring at your beautiful sleeping face." Brayden kept talking ignoring my blushing I was trying to hide with a throw pillow and ignoring Mitch's glares. "You're quite the heavy sleeper, and apparently one heck of a cuddler. Isn't that right Mitch?" He teased him even more by pinching his cheek which Mitch pushed him away for.

"Whatever. What do you guys want? Just some sandwiches?" Mitch brushed off the topic and went to the kitchen. We all agreed and he started making the sandwiches. While we were waiting I grabbed my laptop and turned it on following Ryan to the table that was right next to the kitchen. Brayden grabbed a bag of chips from the pantry and opened them setting them down on the table before sitting down next to me. I logged into my laptop and opened up Word and continued on my project that I started a few days ago when school ended.

"What'cha workin on?" Brayden shoved a handful of chips into his mouth. His eyes landed on my screen trying to read the previous writing. Ryan was curious also and leaned across the table to look with him.

"Personal space much?" I joked taking a few chips for myself as they sat back down. "It's nothing much. I have to do this summer project for a class I'm taking next year." I shrugged

"What's the project?" Ryan asked

"Document your daily summer activities, with detail and vivid descriptions" I recited from the email I had gotten weeks prior. "It's for my creative writting class. Gives the teacher a view on your writing style while you practice your writing. It's pretty cool."

"I didn't know you were into writing. I thought you would be more science and math, or computers or something like that." Mitch commented from the kitchen

I rolled my eyes, "Math is alright, but science? God no. I'm awful at science. I usually ask Sean or Liam to help me with my homework." I laughed becuase it was true. They knew every law of science and every vocabulary word I needed, it was awesome. "As for computers, I like them and all-but not enough to have them as a career. I usually just Google computer stuff"

Mitch came back out with a plate of sandwiches on a plate and a few cans of pop in his right arm. Ryan practicality pounced on the food before it was even set on the table. I guess he was hungry. I laughed at him as Mitch walked by me giving me a can as I grabbed a sandwich. I was about to take a bite when he started talking to me. "Oh! Do you have any food allergies?"

"Oh yeah,  I'm allergic to fish. I almost forgot to tell you-" I was cut off by Mitch ripping the sandwich out of my hands. "What?" I looked at him. His eyes were wide and he held the sandwich in fear before placing infrot of Ryan, who gladly started eating it.

"Tuna sandwich" he let go of a breath "That could've been bad. I'll go make you a different one. You're not allergic to peanuts are you?"


"Peanut Butter and jelly it is!"

"Hey while you're making more sandwiches-" Ryan yelled to the kitchen

"Forget it Ryan!" Mitch yelled from the kitchen. Ryan pouted and took the sandwich that was meant for Mitch.

"Ooh, you rebel" I laughed at him

He winked at me in reply "You know it"

Mitch came back and handed me two new sandwiches. He turned to his plate and frowned. "Where's my food?" The three of us laughed at him as he got up to make another sandwich, one that Ryan hopefully wouldn't eat.


We were all sitting in the living room playing video games. The guys were trying to teach me how to play Halo, which I have never played before. It didn't help that it was on the Xbox, I only had my computer and a playstation. Brayden was starting to rage becuase I had no idea what I was doing and I was still killing him.

"Calm down you big poop, it's beginner's luck. Also known as button smashing." I laughed as I killed him again

"But it's not fair" he pouted throwing his controller in frustration

"Ha! Head shot! Beginner's luck my-" Mitch had just killed me and paused the game once the door opened.

"Mitch I'm home. I picked up Ella so you don't have to go later." His mom walked in carrying an armful of grocery bags. She had work clothes on, which consisted of scrubs. Maybe she's a nurse. "Oh hello, you must be Bekah" she smiled at me when she noticed me on the couch.

I smiled at her and got off to help her "Hello Ms. Morrison, here let me give you a hand." She great fully acepted and we walked to the kitchen and set the bags on the stove. "Thank you for letting me stay with you for the summer. I hope I'm not much trouble."

"Oh, it's no trouble at all. I've heard great things about you. The boys don't shut up about you." She turned her head to the living room. "Boys can you put these away? I'm exhausted and I need to shower. You can make dinner later, Mitch make sure Ella gets some." She walked upstairs as she yawned

"Speaking of Ella, how was your sleepover?" Mitch asked the small blonde girl who was sitting on a stool drinking water. She had the same eyes as Mitch that crinkled when she smiled.

"We made friendship bracelets! Molly's mom taught us how to braid. Look at mine! I made it all by myself and it's blue!" She smiled raising her arm up proudly for everyone to see. Mitch walked by and gave her a high five. Before he could walk away she tugged on his shirt and whispered something to him.

He looked up and smiled "Ella this is Bekah, remember she's staying with us for a bit?" He asked and she nodded her head. "She's a friend of ours. Don't worry, she's nice. If you're good, she might help you with that story you wanted to make."

She smiled at me, her eyes twinkled with excitement.  She whispered to Mitch again- even though everyone could hear her "She's very pretty."

Mitch laughed "I know." He continued talking to the guys and Ella as he went back to putting the groceries away. I blushed as I put a tub of ice cream in the freezer.

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