"What time is the nurse coming by tomorrow, Greg?" Doc asked as they came back into the living room while Jesse brought me a bottle of water I began chugging before nodding as thanks.

He peeked at his calendar, "He should be here at about nine. I was thinking I would just ask him to bring us to Alice's house after awhile if that's okay."

My eyes locked with Alice and I saw confusion flood her expression.  Her breath caught then there was a sharp inhale before she let out a shaky breath and nodded, "Sure, of course. Do you mind coming a bit later so we can sleep in?"

"Perfect.  Then I can get some work done as well and Dad can relax awhile," I grinned and tried to telepathically encourage her through whatever was clouding her thoughts.

"We've got that covered," I answered before my dad could get a word in edgewise. My instincts told me the alarm bells were ringing for Liss and I also realized I never gave her an actual tour of our house. The idea gave me the chance to change the subject and remove Alice from a situation where I could sense her anxiety was spiking.

"Hey, actually, Jess, would you mind giving them a ride home? Then Dais and Doc can head out and I can give Liss a quick tour since she missed out."

Doc looked between the adults for approval and smiled, "Then it's settled! Alice, I will see you Thursday at your appointment."

I saw Daisy look a bit sad until Benji approached her, "Okay, so we have Minecraft set and will just send memes?"

She nodded, "Yep!  I'll text you tomorrow morning when I'm up after I go to ballet.  You have therapy, right?"

"Yeah, but it's just an hour and won't be hard.  I just have to tell them I'm fine and made a friend already and that Alice has a crush,"  Benji had a smirk on his face while speaking but I saw Alice turn beet red and hide her face in her hands.

The fact that he openly spoke about going to therapy with Daisy gave me pause.

They must have discussed this during some of their long afternoons unpacking games and baking cupcakes.

Jesse spoke up, changing the subject as he was also aware of how uncomfortable Alice had become.  "Daisy, I figured we could go grab lunch at Sebastian's after their appointments on Thursday. Should be done by one or so and I was gonna call Seb to make sure he had a table ready for us.  Want to tag along?"

Her eyes lit up and she looked to her mom for approval while nodding happily. Doc mused, "Well I have a board meeting that night so I would have to maybe wait and have Jesse bring you to Alice's place after you get lunch. It may end up being a later evening."

"Not a problem with me," Alice spoke up, "Daisy, you're always welcome to pack a bag and crash at our place if needed.  Benji can take the couch."  She laced her arm around her... our?... brothers waist and leaned her head against his shoulder.  

Benji let out a laugh and shoved her playfully, "Aww, man!  I have to sleep on the couch which means play video games until I pass out with the stupid music still going until you wake up at three in the morning and shut it off like last time?"  She had a soft smile on her face that I could tell was completely genuine, a memory flickering in her expression at his rhetorical question.

"I mean, sometimes we make sacrifices for those we care about."  Alice shrugged, letting out a sigh.  Daisy giggled at their exchange and I saw Dad also smile, clearly thankful that his son was so deeply loved and treasured by the one who was keeping watch before we even knew he existed.

My eyes drifted around the room and observed expressions of contentment and sleepiness. Alice and Benji both stifled yawns while Daisy was nodding off against Doc Edwards's shoulder. We said our goodbyes to the mother-daughter pair while Jesse and Benji sat back on the couch with dad to watch some Sports Center highlights.  

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