You narrowed your eyes while observed the sliced of soy based food. You familiar with tempeh, you lived in Bali before, but you never saw people eating it raw.

"You need to cook this. I ate it several times when I was in Bali, but usually they make it into fritters or stir fry if you don't want it deep fried."

"This one is steamed."
Yejin shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly.
"Can't say the taste is to my liking, but it's the best option between kimchi or vegetable salad that my mom offered. Kimchi got my stomach upset everytime. At least with this one I can eat it with sauce. And it tastes slightly meaty."

You took a slice and dipped it into what looked like ketchup, judging from its color. The taste wasn't so bad, but looked like Chen definitely disagreed. He made such an excessive distasteful face, while put the bitten slice back to his plate and hurriedly took a big gulp of his drink.

Yejin scoffed while took another slice.
"Oh for god sake." She rolled her eyes.

"Don't you have any normal snacks at all? What happen to auntie's donuts and yangyeom -chikin?"
He mentioned Yejin's mother signature dishes she used to make before.

"We are trying to eat healthy here, well, my mom is trying to. And I must say I'm impressed with her dedication. I can feel my breasts are down one size because of all these crap."

You listened to her frivolous remark while holding back your snort.
"I don't think breast size has anything to do with body weight."
After several bites, you decided that steamed tempeh in gochujang was definitely not something to be fond of.

"Oh it is. Let me show you, so you can compare. You knew my size before."
She reached on the attached ties of her dress near her rib to loosen it, at the same time with Chen shrieked in horror.

"I'm still here, you do realize that, right?" He dramatized an attempt to cover his eyes.

Yejin clicked her tongue and glared at Chen in annoyance.
"Tsk, like you haven't seen my boobs before."

"I've been with you since we're in diapers, you're almost like a sister to me, it was gross."

"I saw your peewee before, but I didn't overreact like you."

"Don't call it peewee, and we were in elementary, it was different!"

You were sure, if you didn't cut right in between their banter, there was no way you could finish your purpose in coming here soon.

You looked at Mrs. Kwon, seated on one of the sun lounger a few meters away.
You were grateful that Yoongi agreed to send her to you to replace that old nurse.
Her presence and assistance eased a lot of things for you, as well as your mood swing.
As required in the agreement, she had to follow you going places, but she knew when to leave you alone and give you some privacy, and most important, she trusted and listened to you.

You looked back at Yejin and Chen, as much as you were happy to be with them, but you were tired and would need your rest soon. Your head started to get heavy.

"Guys, please, I need to know the result."

Your words brought them back immediately, stopping their squabble.

Chen cleared his throat, reaching to his bag and took out his laptop, firing it up before plugged a usb drive in the slot.

"I got in their surveillance room, and Jong Wook helped me to look into their server and storage. The size was quite massive, and we worked on a very tight time frame.."

"Well, you should have waited, I told you there would be an hour idle between night shift transfer."
Yejin shot Chen a glare.

"What do you mean?"

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