I remembered how grateful my parents were, when they appeared in the doorway watching our small kitchen table packed with freshly baked bread, omelet, vegetable salad, and cheese.

Holding my head, I started to cry again. I missed them and the thought that I am never going to see them again broke something in me.


That afternoon it began to rain. I didn't understand why. I was getting ready to walk around the forest a little bit as my mother was curing an old man who had problems with his heart and my father was placing new hay under the animals.

I wanted to go outside badly but choose to stay in. I didn't need to catch a cold. So, sitting down at the table I began reading a new book I founded last week on the market for almost free.

I was already in the middle of it, when my father and mother stepped in the house with four men dressed in black. The sun had already settled down.

"- so you need to understand that this is not witchcraft." My father pleaded to a tall bald man.

"We don't care." he spitted. Looking around his eyes founded my huddled form in the chair.

"Mister you need to pay the taxes right now, the governor is not happy about your small business stealing the potential customers..." A thin man tried to convince my father.

"Well this is bullshit! The herbs are ours, we are growing them in the garden. What the patients are paying is only the price of the seeds and oils. It's not a business!" I never heard my father speaking like this.

"Watch out old man! You are not in the position to talk back. Give the money or we will be taking something else." Out of the four, this muscular bald man was the boss I assumed.

"Well, you are standing in my house! On my property! How dare you come here and threaten me and my family!"

Hearing this all the men burst out laughing. My father was just standing there not understand why they aren't afraid of him. But my mother...she knew what will happen. While they were laughing, she motioned at me to escape and run.

Putting the book down soundlessly, I quickly got on my fours and started to crawl toward the backdoor. Maybe I could ask for help.

But hearing my mother's scream I turned back. One of the men tossed her on the floor and got on top of her. Father seeing this lunged at them but was held back by two man immediately.

"I warned you old man." Said the bald man while walking over where I was grabbing me by my long locks.

I was almost at the door. Pulling me back by it, I yelled out in pain but quickly shut up when he pressed a knife at my throat.

My mother fought like a true warrior, but the man was taller and stronger. Ruffling her skirt up he thrusted into her with one motion. My father's rage was not enough to save her from that brute and hearing my mother's scream he became more and more desperate.

"Leave her alone you fucking bastard!" They hit him across the face to shut up.

"How much money is it? I will pay it, just please leave her alone!" my father was crying now begging them to leave my mother. The man who was raping my mother stopped and told the price with a disgusting smile on his face.

"20 gold" my eyes widened. We didn't have that much money.

Father looked at them in disbelief. "20 gold? That's impossible! We don't have that much."

The courtesan (Lesbian story)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now