“It was discovered that they were a subdivision of the Apocalypse, and they were working on a grand scale plan to continue their vision to wipe the Earth clean. With Gideon’s betrayal during the training mission last year in the Himalayas and the ties to Amazing Grace, we are very certain that he was part of the Apocalypse. However the motives of the abduction are still unclear.”

“What exactly is your point?” a woman who looked to be in her forties and wearing a pearl necklace asked, and I recognised her trait mark blonde hair and green eyes similar to Mr. Andrewson.

“My point is,” I said slowly, willing my words to come across as strongly as possible. “If it wasn’t for these chance discoveries we would never know that the Apocalypse is behind everything. We cannot afford to underestimate our enemy, and the only way we can gather the information we need is too band together.”

I could see a few people sharing an uneasy look and felt my stomach twist into a nervous knot. I didn’t expect it to be easy, but I was hoping these people will see sense. I knew it was time to break out the big guns.

“Katerina Falcon had foretold about this.” I said, effectively capturing the attention of everyone in the room. “It will be the crisis that would make or break our world. It is up to us to make sure that we don’t throw away the world that was given to us by the Originals.”

“We will be behind you a hundred percent.” Nirmal stated and I gave her a grateful look. When I first contacted her I wasn’t sure what to expect; after all she tried to help us get back to the POE Academy, and the whole mission was bolstered and most of the people went missing and many had died. However instead of being resentful she was livid, not at me but at whomever that had done it. She was quick to agree to help me and made this meeting possible.

“I can see your point just fine without you throwing an Original into this.” Wolfgang Lessig said, his long fingers curling together as he stared at me with the intensity of a hunter. “What I cannot understand is why you think you are in position to address us.”

Feeling like my heart had been filled with lead I silently grit my teeth and told myself to calm down. I could see Nirmal sending me a concerned look and the watchful eyes of all the other representative zeroing in on me. Caleb had warned me that this might happen; he said not everyone will embrace you with open arms, especially someone so much younger with little experience in the same department. He spoke from experience.

“Perhaps the correct question for us would be why hasn’t anyone addressed this already?” I retorted, keeping the anger rising inside of me at bay. This wasn’t personal; he would have done it to anyone else. The corner of his mouth turned down to form a frown, Wolfgang narrowed his eyes at me. Before he had a chance to speak, which would surely be something snarky and offensive that would threw me off my game, I quickly continued.

“I had escaped the attack at Ruin 18387 and the ambush of the Ganesh family guard. I have identified an undercover member of the Apocalypse, my friends and classmates are captured by them and most have been missing for more than a year without any news. If these are not reasons enough for me to take action then I need to revaluate my morals.”

I could feel heat rushing to my cheeks as soon as I finish my sentence and immediately realised I shouldn’t have burst out like that. I could see a smile tugging on the corner of Nirmal’s mouth and even Chung seemed amused. The older representative remained impassive except for the increased frown on Wolfgang’s face.

“We appreciate your, enthusiasm; however this project should be led by someone with more experience.” Wolfgang said carefully, spitting out each word in a calculated fashion like a snake circling its prey. Unable to resist the urge I stole a glance at Lynette, who had a similar idea for the whole thing. I just found it hard to stomach this kind of selfishness when so much was at stake. To be honest if it wasn’t for Akram’s video I would have been happy to hand over this position to someone else.

Revolution (Book 3 of POE Chronicles)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें