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*y/ns POV *

I feel myself slowly waking up due to the sun in my eyes. I then realise the weight on my chest. Wanda. We must have fallen asleep last night. She looks so peaceful. So beautiful. I don't wanna wake her. I hear loud footsteps coming from the hall.

Nat:"stark.... What do we have here? * she says with a smirk.

Y/n :" nothing romanoff"

Nat:" doesn't look like nothing" she teased.

Y/n:"oh shut it."

I then get up so carefully as to not wake Wanda. I pick her up from my chest and once I am up I lay her back down. I walk into the kitchen to talk to Nat. "you two sure looked comfy" Nat teased. "It was honestly nothing Nat, we fell asleep." "Yeah, on top of each other... Hahaha" Nat laughed. My face went a bright red and I was about to speak up until I heard her thick accent. "Good morning guys" Wanda tiredly said. "Shit did we wake you?" nat asked. "Not at all" Wanda assured her. "I'm off to training, bye guys". Nat said leaving. "Bye nat". "See ya romanoff"

"Are you hungry?" Wanda asked while taking down pots from the cupboards.

"What are you doing?" I say. "You need to rest"

"I said are you hungry, yes or no y/n" she challenged.

"Why, are you a cook or something?" I say with a smirk.

"Something like that" she replied.

"Alright then, amaze me!" I say.

Wanda nodded at me with a smile and I smile back. She started getting all the ingredients she needed and for to work. She looked so happy.

"Do you need any help?" I ask.

"Pass me the icing sugar please"


"This is granulated sugar, I said icing sugar"

"There is a difference?" is ask with confusion

"Oh my god y/n" Wanda says with a playful eye roll.

"Sorry" I say and then I start laughing and Wanda joins in too.

"Since I watched your sitcoms last night, someday you will have to cook with me" Wanda said and it took y/n by surprise.

"Really?, I wouldn't be in your way?" I asked.

"No you will probably get in my way, but I will just have to suck it up" Wanda said with a wink and started laughing. I roll my eyes and start laughing too.

10 minutes go by and Wanda is done cooking. She places a plate in front of you. "Voila" she says with excitement. Pancakes. Big pancakes with strawberries and maple syrup. "Wanda these look amazing!" I say.
"Why thank you y/n, family recipe"

I dig into them straight away and stuff my face. These truly taste heavenly. While I am chewing what's in my mouth I see Wanda walk over to me and then slowly reach her hand to my face. She brushes her thumb over my lip. "So messy" she says as she licks the syrup off her thumb that she removed from my mouth. I feel my cheeks start to go red all I can say is "I-I-um sorry haha" I laugh nervously. "Don't worry about it, pietro was like that too. He loved my pancakes. But more ended up on his face then in his mouth" she joked. I send Wanda a reassuring smile and we finish our breakfast in a comfortable silence. Just enjoying each others company.

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