74- Belated Birthday wishes

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Jungkook was exasperated with Taehyung permitting his father to treat him this way and get away with it. He figured if Taehyung wasn't going to speak up about the way his father was treating him, he definitely would. "Your husband kept him busy for days on a presentation that he could have handled and documents that needed to be signed. He told Tae that he couldn't enjoy his birthday until it was done and never once mentioned Tae's birthday," Jungkook spilled as Taehyung glanced back at him with panicked eyes. Taehyung's mother pursed her lips as her eyes narrowed dangerously. "Did he now?" She asked indignantly, hiding the wicked smile that spread across her face behind her hand before turning on her heel. "I'll have to talk with him about that," she professed, both of them hearing the hostility in her voice as she marched forward to go find her husband.

"Why did you say all that?" Taehyung asked panicked as they made their way back towards his bedroom. "Mama and Papa fight enough as it is without me throwing Papa under the bus like that," Taehyung commented softly, hanging his head in disapproval. Jungkook shrugged nonchalantly as he opened Taehyung's bedroom door for them, holding it open for Taehyung. "I think he deserved it, Tae. He did that shit to you on purpose and you were going to keep quiet about it. You probably have kept quiet about most of his abuse to save your parents from fighting, but he can't keep treating you like your nothing to him, baby," Jungkook insisted, closing the door behind him as Taehyung looked up at him. Taehyung bit his lip as he stared up at Jungkook, acknowledging that the younger male was beyond accurate with his words.

Taehyung sighed softly as he turned his head to the side, feeling as if Jungkook could see right through him now and noticed the keyboard he'd set up in the corner of his room after shopping for gifts. "Ah! Our gift exchange," Taehyung pointed out excitedly as he rushed over towards the keyboard. Jungkook tilted his head at the gift, slowly approaching it as Taehyung took a seat in front of it. "Your gift isn't actually the keyboard itself, but what I got to help along with my gift to you. Although this isn't really your gift either, it's just an additional part of your actual gift," Taehyung announced excitedly as Jungkook took a seat next to him. "I didn't need additional parts to my gift, Tae," Jungkook muttered softly, feeling his gift for Taehyung was more than inadequate now.

Taehyung giggled at Jungkook's mumbled words, kissing him tenderly as he switched the keyboard on. He was hoping that this song and the car would make up for all the gifts Jungkook had bought him over the last few days. Taehyung took a deep breath and in a steady, melodious deep voice began to sing the song he'd written down for Jungkook during the times Jungkook wasn't paying attention to him the last few days. "The stars lean down to kiss you, and I lie awake and miss you. Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere, cause I'll doze off safe and soundly but I'll miss your arms around me. I'd send a postcard to you, dear, cause I wish you were here... I'll watch the night turn light blue, but it's not the same without you because it takes two to whisper quietly. The silence isn't so bad, till I look at my hands and feel sad, Cause the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly... As many times as I blink, I'll think of you tonight..."

As Taehyung finished the song in an instrumental flourish, Jungkook couldn't help the tears that obscured his vision. He'd never known Taehyung to write songs or even sing and that was definitely a well-written and well performed ballad. Taehyung finally turned toward Jungkook with a smile, only to see him crying and panicked slightly. "No, no, did you not like it?" Taehyung implored anxiously, trying to help Jungkook dry his eyes. Jungkook shook his head with a soft laugh as he continued to cry. His thoughts had been focused on the same thing as he picked Taehyung's gift days prior.

"It was beautiful, Tae," Jungkook choked out, grabbing Taehyung's hands and pulling him in for a kiss. Taehyung melted into the kiss as Jungkook's hands still held Taehyung's wrists tightly, his tears saturating Taehyung's face. Although Taehyung didn't mind at all as Jungkook kissed him heatedly, his hands moving from Taehyung's wrists to behind his waist. He felt Jungkook lift him off the bench and onto his lap as they continued to kiss until Jungkook pulled away to stare up at Taehyung. "I- I just realized we were both thinking the same thing once you graduate," Jungkook whispered softly, anxious about giving his gift to Taehyung now that he'd performed a song for him. "How we're going to be separated for several months until I graduate," Jungkook continued softly, definitely apprehensive of those impending days. He could see the apprehension behind Taehyung's gaze, although the elder male remained silent until Jungkook was done explaining.

"I was thinking about what I'd want to get you or what I'd want to say on that day, but I kept coming up short... So my gift isn't anything as elaborate as your song, but I hope that you like it either way," Jungkook confessed as he grabbed the large bag from off the ground and presented it to Taehyung. Taehyung pulled a folded up plush pillow from out of the bag as he stared at it for a moment. When he unfolded the pillow to see that it was a giant body pillow, Taehyung realized there was an image of Jungkook on the inside fold of the pillow. Immediately, Taehyung felt tears prick the corners of his eyes as he covered his mouth at the thought Jungkook put into this gift. "It isn't much... I just hope that you always remember me when we are separated," Jungkook muttered softly out of embarrassment, watching as Taehyung hugged the body pillow tight before kissing him.

Still seated in Jungkook's lap, Taehyung pressed himself into Jungkook as he kissed him heavenly once again, more than appreciative of the gift. "Thank you so much, Kookie. Nobody has ever put so much thought into giving me a gift before," Taehyung mentioned, choking on his emotions as he sniffled softly. "You have no idea how much this means to me... It's more than enough and I don't know how I'll ever repay you for the thought," Taehyung sobbed softly as Jungkook tenderly cupped Taehyung's face. He gently coerced Taehyung to look him in the eyes through wet lashes and teary eyes. "I buy these gifts because I want to spoil you, baby. Not because I intend to have you pay me back or owe me a debt. Nothing like that, Tae. So why are you so insistent on paying me back?" Jungkook asked softly, tilting his head down to get a good look at Taehyung's beautiful teary eyes. Taehyung averted his eyes as Jungkook continued to try and look Taehyung in the eye. "F- First off, I- I'm not really used to to being spoiled. But al- also, I- I feel like if I don't r- return the favor, you're going to get irritated with "spoiling" me and never want to see me again," Taehyung whispered anxiously as Jungkook's eyes widened in shock.

"Tae, I don't ever want you thinking like this because that's never going to happen. I would never get irritated being with you or giving you gifts because someone has to show they appreciate you being alive," Jungkook conveyed tenderly, kissing Taehyung softly. "And I'm more than satisfied with being that someone," Jungkook added as Taehyung laughed softly through his tears. Taehyung wanted to continue sitting on Jungkook's lap until things evolved into a more heated situation, but he wanted to give Jungkook the rest of his gift as well. Taehyung hastily dried his eyes and stood to his feet as Jungkook stared up at him in confusion, almost hoping things would intensify as well. Although, Taehyung seemed dead set on whatever his mind had decided on as Jungkook begrudgingly stood to his feet as well.

Taehyung swiftly grabbed Jungkook's hand, navigating him down the stairs and through a door out the back of the second parlor room. They walked out onto the red wood patio as Taehyung directed Jungkook towards another small set of stairs that they descended. Once down those stairs, the backyard opened up into a magnificent garden of flowers of all kinds, shapes, and colors. Jungkook almost had to shield his eyes from the brightly colored flowers as Taehyung navigated them through the maze of shrubbery and blossoms. Jungkook was amazed by the terrace, wondering if they had hired a gardener to take care of this oasis of flowers.

Jungkook was in awe at the flowers until a gleam in the distance caught his eyes. He stopped short when he saw what wait ahead of them, halting Taehyung in his tracks as well. Taehyung turned toward Jungkook to look at him, their hands still clasped tightly together as Jungkook squeezed Taehyung's hand even tighter in his own. "You didn't," Jungkook whispered hastily, his eyes still stuck on the metallic gleam in front of them. His legs and feet felt heavy to him as he continued to stare, powerless to move as Taehyung tried to urge him closer to the vehicle.

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