Bad Boy

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Warning: Humanstuck,Fem! Eridan

It was a normal day at Alternia High.

"Sollux Captor!!"

Well almost normal. If you look in the hallways of Alternia High you will see a teenage boy running from the security guard. This boy was Sollux Captor. He was the resident bad boy that everyone thought was cool. Well almost everyone.

"Heh. They won't find me in here." Sollux said. He ran into what he thought was an abandoned classroom.

"Ugh what did you do now Captor." Meet Eri Ampora, a stuck-up rich girl who hates Sollux. Eri was short for her age, at a height of 4'11. With short brown hair that touch the tip of her shoulders with blonde hair that frames her face. She and Sollux have had a rivalry since junior high. Back then Eri had a weird stutter that only happened with her v's and w's. Sollux, however had lisp that was caused by his braces. You can see that they've changed a lot.

"Oh it's just you babe." It's Sollux goal to get in Eri's pants. He's had a crush on her since Eri decided to punch him in the face.

"Don't you 'babe' me. And back up!" She yelled when she noticed Sollux getting closer to her. Little did she know, Sollux was going to do the Unforgivable.


Sollux ran out of there before Eri could realize what happened. Eri felt a breeze underneath her skirt and realized what happened.

"Captor!!!!!!!" She shrieked. He flipped her skirt. Sollux was chuckling all the way down the hallway.

Bad boy indeed.

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