Chapter 24

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Take me out~ Franz Ferdinand

I say don't you know
You say you don't know
I say... take me out!

I say you don't show
Don't move, time is slow
I say... take me out!

I say you don't know
You say you don't know
I say... take me out!

If I move this could die
If eyes move this could die
I want take me out!

I'm on my way to go get Lottie Amanda and Maddison from the airport. God I miss them. I just don't want them to think any different of me. Their spending 2 weeks here, let's hope it goes well.

It's around 2:30 AM I made sure Christian kept Kendal busy until she fell asleep. Well let's just say they were buys. And loud. Fuck I can't get the image out of my head, don't share a wall with Christian and Kendal.

Once we pull up I step out as the plane stairs open and 3 girls start sprinting towards me.

"EMBERRRRRRRR." They all squealed as they ran.

We said hello and everything until Lottie pointed something out.

"Ember who's mr hottie over there." She points behind me. Leo.

"Ugh that's Leo family friends I dint know why he's here. I'll be right back." I walk over to him. "What are you doing here?"

"You father and brother told me to watch you, and protect you in case something happens."

"Last time I checked I beat your ass. If anything happened I would be protecting you. You're free to go." I walk back over to the car and the girls get in. "Ok so luggage is being sent to the house should be here in the morning, so we need to hide you so Kendal doesn't see you when she wakes up. Either you sleep in my room but you would have to be quite because we share a wall or you can sleep in the creepy basement." I turn and smile at them basically telling them that the only option is my room.

"YOUR ROOM." they all say at the same time.

"Ok if your loud I lock you in the bathroom."

When we pull up to the house they are all in awe.

"Fuck Ember, this house is huge." Amber says as we walk in, since no ones in the front room it's echos.

"Shut your mouths, remember Kendal's a light sleeper." I rush them into my room.

"Your room is huge." Maddison says.

"Yea I have one of the biggest in the house. Perks of basically being kidnapped from birth. Anyways help me wrap her presents."

We all make small talk. Until Leo was brought up.

"Soooooo who's this Leo guy."

"My brothers friend, total ass. He thinks he's better than me. I went on a run once and he chased me down because my brother wanted him to. He followed me to a fight with Marco. And he creeps on me when I'm in the gym." I look up and see them all with Cheshire grins. "What."


"Shut your fucking mouth before I kill you. 1 Kendal is asleep 2 why would I like Mr playboy."

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